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Have used selective colouring on this portrait.:)
There is a harsh line between her face and neck, almost like she has white facepaint on. I am not sure about the selective colouring at all, do you have one in colour and a b&w to put up? I'd like to see those.
Other than that, cute little girl.:)
I like the idea but the colouring has not been done very well.

Some of the shadows are pink.

A good bit of the white cloth has been turned pink as well.

A bit more time spent on the detail would enhance this shot a lot.
I love the theory behind this - go back and amend the shadows etc...but keep the pale pink... lovely idea.
The lighting seems a bit harsh to me, and as said in the first post about the line under her face on her neck is distracting. Other than like it isa very nice photo, I like the pose and her expresion. Think the selective colouring is a nice effect on the photo.
Yes the pale pink is nice.... but a bit of bad cloning keeps attacting my eye to her forehead.... or maybe it was a bruise. :(