Copyright question

Ever heard of Hacking?

Eh! once processed, transfer all raw files to an encrypted external drive.......and ensure you detach it once transfer complete.

PS is there something unusual and/or special that would make your computer a target that a hacker can breach your internet security that you have in place?
Ever heard of Hacking?
You can't 100% protect against everything... just as you cannot 100% guarantee that whatever registration service you use will not loose all of their data through some misfortune (or just ceasing to exist/going out of business because they serve no purpose). But really, if your computer/server is ever hacked it's not going to be because they wanted to steal a picture from you.
OK so I inject some code somehow into your computer in order to extract data; I am most certainly not going to extract your dng/nef or whatever raw image files, if they are so valuable, I'm going to phish for your bank login details and withdraw all of the money you've been paid for these fantastic commercially successful images. I don't want the hassle of selling copies of your images, hacking is about short term gain not investment.
Why would I tell people to use copyright if it s an US organisation?

Don't really know, but you are


You take a picture and don't register the ownership

You share it on social media today 30th September 2020

I take your picture, change the metadata to the 10th September 2020 and I can now sue you for using my picture

You have no proof of ownership of this picture

However, if you had registered your copyright with on the 20th September, you ll have proof of ownership on your picture and I couldn't challenge you (because Jury will say that my metadata could have been tampered with but yours couldn't)

This thread is getting stranger than Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka.

I agree - vey strange this is becoming :)
