Coracle Rally; Sweet Lamb; 25/7/10

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here are a few from me of yesterdays rally at Sweet Lamb.

Thank goodness the weather improved from nil visibility at 0930 to clearish sky at 1000







All taken with 7D and 24-105L
#3 could do with having the shutter speed a bit slower to get some blur on the wheels, otherwise you captured some good shots there.
They are more than ok(y),but they lack inspiration and composition for me ,being a a series of car shots ,albeit sharp ,not showing much of the broader picture.
Just my humble opinion.
Agree with Pons here... 'typical' sweet lamb shots really.
well have to say some nice shots here Phil. i know you havnt done many rallies if ay before? so for me you have done well the more insperational shots will come with more practice :)

don't worry about lack of comments it been getting worse and worse on the rally side thats why i gave up on here!!

hopefully see you soon
Thanks James were yo u there with PG?

Sometimes you lose the will to live on this forum, but I note one of posters above seems pretty negative about most peoples posts and images, no doubt this will start a tirade of.....

Hope to see you on the hill again soon.
Well so do I Philip !

You complain nobody posts about your pics (well maybe it's because they are not very inspiring ) ,then you put in a snidey comment aimed at me ,no doubt,because I gave you honest crit,not in any way nasty or negative,and now you are wingeing because nobody is blowing smoke up your backside.

You cannot have it both ways.

Well so do I Philip !

You complain nobody posts about your pics (well maybe it's because they are not very inspiring ) ,then you put in a snidey comment aimed at me ,no doubt,because I gave you honest crit,not in any way nasty or negative,and now you are wingeing because nobody is blowing smoke up your backside.

You cannot have it both ways.


give over pons!! he didn't say it was you exactly did he? ;)
yes they arn't really inspiring but he is a newbie give him some usefull crit as you seem to have alot of words of wisdom but none that help improve!

phil i was indeed up there with PG didn't realise you were up there!
whats the next rally you might pop out on?
Have been away for ages, but good to see that nothing has changed on TP !!

Good photos are just looked at, great ones are remembered......

They are more than ok(y),but they lack inspiration and composition for me ,being a a series of car shots ,albeit sharp ,not showing much of the broader picture.
Just my humble opinion.

"give over pons!! he didn't say it was you exactly did he?
yes they arn't really inspiring but he is a newbie give him some usefull crit as you seem to have alot of words of wisdom but none that help improve!"

153 posts is hardly a newbie,James,and I rather think I gave some useful crit ,and I was hardly rude was I .

When I see pics of real quality like Petris posted and nobody could be arsed to comment ,then I say so and give my support and praise,so it works both ways.

Anyway in future will only say nice things when pics of quality are posted,and will avoid saying anything to try to help or dare criticise as forum posters just get the hump .
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"give over pons!! he didn't say it was you exactly did he?
yes they arn't really inspiring but he is a newbie give him some usefull crit as you seem to have alot of words of wisdom but none that help improve!"

153 posts is hardly a newbie,James,and I rather think I gave some useful crit ,and I was hardly rude was I .

When I see pics of real quality like Petris posted and nobody could be arsed to comment ,then I say so and give my support and praise,so it works both ways.

Anyway in future will only say nice things when pics of quality are posted,and will avoid saying anything to try to help or dare criticise as forum posters just get the hump .

i ment at rally photography becuase everything isn't about this forum!!
i didn't day you were rude and i didn't start anything i just think telling people their pictures are unispiring and thats it doesn't help anything!!

yeee forum members get the hump about alot on here hahaha
anyway my friend finding mission is done here :) good bye TP
Hi Chris,

I thought I needed to clear the air over the recent Sweet Lamb thread.

On reflection I understand your comment but do feel they are a little blunt and leave the original poster somewhat at a loss on how to improve, indeed even deflated.

This was my first attempt at rally shots and noted that being in the bowl only really allowed close ups unless I wanted a lot of "clutter" in the background such a derelict buildings, spectators etc. I was pleased that my shots were sharper than I had previously managed and I did attempt to blur the wheels on the jumps but obviously need a tripod and slower shutter speed next time.

I would be grateful if you would share on how I can make my shots more inspiring as I do wish to improve as a photographer. Is that you prefer "wider" shots telling more of the "story"?

I have visited your website and now realise that we were stood close together on occasions.

Ah well next time eh...
Hi Phil,
Yep,I reckon we were close together on occasions:)

IMHO ,shots only showing the car look uninspiring as they could be anywhere,and are just records of a car and number.

If there is background that is recognisable,or buildings,spectators etc it can improve the picture.
Clutter sometimes needs to be removed,but changing a shooting angle can do this yet still show background.

Sweet Lamb has some great backdrops,and good weather or bad can really add to the atmosphere.

I would be the first to admit I love backdrops ,and have no problem with spectators in the shot .

And there are times when a brilliantly sharp car shot can work,or a slow shutter speed.

Short,wide primes are a great addition to a rally tog,and mine get loads of use,as you can include background easily.

I dont want to hi jack your thread but can put a few examples of what I mean from the same location ,will remove if you want.

Cheers ,



Thanks for the response, I'll give it go next time.