Could i justify the extra for the 500D

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As the title says really, could the extra cash be justified for the 500D over the 450D.

I will not make use of the 1080p vid capture that it seems to promote.

If you're considering spending enough for a 500D, I'd strongly recommend the 40D! It's a bit of an older model, but in terms of build quality and (I think autofocussing but don't quote me on that) it's quite a long way ahead. If you can deal with 'only' 10mp, it might be a good choice! I have a 450D, but I've always been wanting a 40D, but couldn't justify the price at the time. It's pretty close to the 500D if memory serves now!
Personally I've no experience with the 500D, but do you need the video recording - if not, save the money and put it towards some good glass, buy your 450D instead. Alternatevely, look at the 40D (as above) (y)
The 500d's only improvements over the 450d are a higher res LCD and a digic4 processor. It has more megapixels, but in my opinion, this isn't really necessary and will create more noise etc.

As a 450d owner, I would highly recommend it for functionality and image quality. I do wish I had a 40d though, because the feel in hand of the 450d isn't too comfortable (although I have a battery grip which helps a lot).

There's some software you can use to get video from your 450d. It doesn't have sound, and isn't 1080p, but if you want to experiment with video on you camera you could try it. I've got it and can be fun to play with the DOF with my lenses in video. :D
The 500d's only improvements over the 450d are a higher res LCD and a digic4 processor. It has more megapixels, but in my opinion, this isn't really necessary and will create more noise etc.

As a 450d owner, I would highly recommend it for functionality and image quality. I do wish I had a 40d though, because the feel in hand of the 450d isn't too comfortable (although I have a battery grip which helps a lot).

There's some software you can use to get video from your 450d. It doesn't have sound, and isn't 1080p, but if you want to experiment with video on you camera you could try it. I've got it and can be fun to play with the DOF with my lenses in video. :D

Just wondered what software it it you use ?
so the 500D is a few cosmetic facelifts then? Video for me is a waste on a camera, i have a HD dvd camcorder.

So favouring 450D, would consider the 40D also, can this still be bought new?
so the 500D is a few cosmetic facelifts then? Video for me is a waste on a camera, i have a HD dvd camcorder.

So favouring 450D, would consider the 40D also, can this still be bought new?
They have them at warehouse Express.
I have the latest beta version


Thread hijack I know, but does it work well?

Sorry davidh6781 ;)

It's decent. It averages at 20fps but sometimes goes lower and higher so the playback is a bit jumpy. All that happens is it takes the live view (as you can see in the canon utility software) and records it as an AVI file. I'm sure it does no damage to your camera, as it's just live view being recorded. The resolution is really good, just the file doesn't seem stable -- you can see this on youtube from other people who have tried it, you will see the clips are jumpy.
The only reason to buy the 500D is for the video and you've said you don't need this so the easy choice is the 450D. Spend the rest on better lenses, unless of course you can afford nice lens and a 40D....
I have to admit, that I'm thinking of the 500D because it does everything I want AND has the video. Gimmicky I know but every now and then (gigs, family, dogs, bike racing) I think that it would be handy to flick a switch and capture it, rather than rummage for the compact.

Sorry I hijacked the thread :nono:.
I have a 450D which I am happy with, but like the idea of the 500D but if I could afford that I'd probably want the 40D:).
just read a review the tamron seems a little inferior to the canon twin kit. would that be correct?
Pretty much! The 55-250 IS from Canon gets great review, build quality is a little plasticy, but optically I think it's a fair bit better, and of course you get IS which could really help. You can get it for £200 on amazon, so make sure you're not paying over the odds for the twin lens kit from Jessops!
ok cool, i will cost it all up, jacobs also seem to do the packs. warehouse express seems to be the cheapest at the min.