Couple from yesterday - Fuji X10.

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I officially love this camera!!!

Every time I use it I like it more and more. Here's a couple I took from yesterday. The sunset one I had to get - it was worth standing in the middle of the road for (nearly getting knocked over a couple of times lol).

I was testing the long exposure on the X10 yesterday for the first time. I don't think it came out too shabby at all...

Thanks for looking, as always C&C welcome.


That is one lovely sky in No 1. Second is nice but not as eye catching as the first.
They're both great but i prefer the first one The X10 is a great camera,i've had mine a few weeks and am loving it.
Have to agree with was well worth the risk.
I love that the skyline sillhouette is so easily recognised.
Thanks folks.

For what its worth I totally agree.

I like number 2 but it doesn't have the ingredients needed to make it a great image, I like that the X10 handles these long exposures well and am looking forward to taking more in the future that do belong on my wall of greats :)

Interesting point about #1: do to the lack of range on the optical I have cropped about 75% of the original image off!

...just another reason to be happy with the X10 that the image quality hasn't depreciated THAT much :)
Love the first one, very evocative and moody sky, nice silouette of the buildings