Couple more pics


TPer Emeritus
Ian Cook
Edit My Images
All from a trip to Kent last summer, the first 2 definitely need some photochopping, i better get me idiots guide tomorrow !



Yes you are learning, the first two are definitely crying out for some post production in Photoshop. Converting them to sepia or black & white will really add to the atmosphere. The last one could have been improved by applying the rule of thirds and dropping the centred horizon, lower down the picture. Another point to watch for when shooting landscapes is that people really notice un-level horizons even if they are like that in real life. This picture suffers from this but it could again be recovered in Photoshop or some other software package.
By the way, I would also clone out the "modern folk" from the background of the first picture before you do any conversion as it will completely ruin the illusion of the picture being taken in a different era. ;)
CT has posted a nice explanation of the rule of thirds in the tutorials section!
Steve said:
By the way, I would also clone out the "modern folk" from the background of the first picture before you do any conversion as it will completely ruin the illusion of the picture being taken in a different era. ;)

LOL Yeah that was one of the things i need the idiot guide for ! Got Photochop 7, but havent really delved into its murky innards to find out what it can do, 2 stage learning process going on here ! lol
lolyton said:
CT has posted a nice explanation of the rule of thirds in the tutorials section!

Yup CT has hit the nail on the head perfectly there with his explanation and cleaver use of members pictures as examples. He is one of our valued members that is helpful and takes the time with everyone. He is a great asset to the forums.

There are also some other helpful tutorials in that section that have been kindly written by various members for both Photoshop and Paint shop Pro, some are basic and some are a little more advanced but if you attempt any of them and have any problems or get stuck, just shout on the forums and we will help you out. BTW there is an in depth one on the various ways to convert a colour photo into a black and white. The various ways range in difficulty but each is explained simply and in a step by step guide.
Right, following one of the tuturials on changing from colour to B&W and also learning how the clone tool works, here are a couple of attempts at one of the pics !!!



THink they probably need to be more sepia than B&W but im quite proud of my first attempts ! lol
Excellent first attempts, I prefer the first b&w converstion and now think it could be further improved by adding a little noise to indicate age?

Sepia will work well also, follow the tutorial on adding a coloured layer to a picture to recreate that effect ;)

Good use of the cloning tool as well BTW
Think this will be my last for the night ! lol

I got to this point, then forgot what sepia actually looked like ! lol

Heres the original again !


And semi sepiaised !


As usual constructive criticisms welcomed ! :)
That's OK Ian - you're doing great. The cloning isn't the greatest, but you're getting into it which is all that matters. Sepia toning is when you see those really old photos and they tend to be different shades of brown.Those aren't quite sepia but it's pleasant anyway. Do a search on Google on sepia pics and you'll find some examples I'm sure. You're lucky, the sepia toner used in the darkroom with coventional prints smells like rotten eggs! :(

I'm gonna get on the outside of the rest of this Jack Daniels then I'm going to bed! :shock:
Thanks CT, im beginning to see its a matter of practice practice etc etc !

I tried with the other one as well, i am really bad at going to bed ! lol


Is that a little more like it ? I know its not following ROT 100% (or maybe it is! i will get the hang of it if it kills me) lol
LOL Rome In A Day mate and all that. That pic is way too symmetrical to really do much with even with cropping. Get that camera out and take some new pics. Think about the ROT when you're taking 'em! . :LOL:
I'm off to bed (hic) When you're cloning out stuff like that, you want t work on the pic as large as possible -in other words before you reduce the size. It's much easier and when you reduce the pic to post here, if it's invisible in the large pic it certainly will be in the smaller version.

Lots of practice is the order of the day- it takes time.

Goodnight mate. [smilie=b:
Ahh you went to Groombridge Place for the day!

i got some shots of people in costum, but they are a bit rubbish..i seem to not be able to get a good picture of anything at the moment!
EosD said:
Ahh you went to Groombridge Place for the day!

i got some shots of people in costum, but they are a bit rubbish..i seem to not be able to get a good picture of anything at the moment!

Yep. was there for the whole day, is a really nice place, bit far to call in regularly though ! lol

I found getting the shots of people in costume was a bit hit and miss, i got really lucky with the 2 up there ^^^^ and only had a few chavs in them ! otherwise it was full of em !

They had the guy from the raptor centre down there as well, but too many people standing around to get any decent photos, other than memories type snaps !

As for the not able to get a good picture, i wouldnt worry about it, probably just a phase, i have learned a lot from this forum already and only been on it a day ! :) as i was learning with my photochop trials and tribulations last night, practice practice practice ! :)
The raptor guy is great, god knows how he shouts for so long! Got some really good shots of out of focus birds flying 3 ft from me!
EosD said:
The raptor guy is great, god knows how he shouts for so long! Got some really good shots of out of focus birds flying 3 ft from me!

Yeah he is high entertainment value lol

I got a few nice pics on the film camera, the nikon doesnt really lend itself to distance or moving shots ! (see the other pic of the rally car looking like its going backwards lol )

Thanks to everybody for the hints and tips though, i can see im going to like it here ! :D