Couple of B & W shots

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well 2 +1

unusual for me - not a bird in sight - with feathers anyway

comments appreciated

1/20th sec

but wait a minute is this the crested ?

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I'm having trouble working out what prompted you to take these pictures. The shadows and light in the last one are kind of interesting but I'm not sure what the blur brings to the party; judging from your flickr stream it must be deliberate. But maybe that's just me and I'm missing something?
I rather like the first. But I love photography that shows interaction between people (or lack of it)

The third could work, but I'd like to see a focal point to the image, not nessecarily the couple, but just something
I'm having trouble working out what prompted you to take these pictures. The shadows and light in the last one are kind of interesting but I'm not sure what the blur brings to the party; judging from your flickr stream it must be deliberate. But maybe that's just me and I'm missing something?

Thanks Simon, appreciated

I agree I'm clueless unless it's nature or a bird - searching for something new

on image #3 - I liked the light and evening and silhouette - I "did" (did being the optional word), quite a few OOF shots which are a lot easier with MF cameras

image #1 and #2 were all about was about "youth" looking at passers by ............ almost in a contentious sort of way .. as i see this quite a lot, especially in cities ... they just try to look "cool"

#2 would be my favourite
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Thanks Simon, appreciated
image #1 and #2 were all about was about "youth" looking at passers by ............ almost in a contentious sort of way .. as i see this quite a lot, especially in cities ... they just try to look "cool"

#2 would be my favourite

Ah, that makes sense. In which case #1 would be improved by showing the passers by. And they would both become stronger as part of a larger project on this theme.
Ah, that makes sense. In which case #1 would be improved by showing the passers by. And they would both become stronger as part of a larger project on this theme.

You just see it a lot, especially in Cities - a gang of young people going into "Town" at the weekend, lounging around in their latest fashion, on the one hand posing for their contemporaries and on the other saying to the world "look at us"

they may look "cool" to their group but look just ordinary to others - it is about them looking at us, looking or not looking at them ....... just trying to capture what we see to reflect what we think
Here's another

"man about to fall off Bike" or a "bit of a Wobble"

but I also saw the Beret and 2CV - a reminder of France in Winchester - I live in both places, but mainly in France!

so it's about trying to express what I thought in an image and trying to get a decent image

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