Couple of black and whites from Scotland...

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Work well in Mono and I'm not usually a big fan of Mono landscapes :) But these are lovely

Lovely work mate, 1 is my choice but I do love the led in lines of the second image. (y)
Lovely work Martin
Two "Excellent" shots Martin, liking both of these very much.
2nd shot is wonderful. I'd have it on the wall.
Thank you John

Work well in Mono and I'm not usually a big fan of Mono landscapes :) But these are lovely

Thank you Les

Lovely work mate, 1 is my choice but I do love the led in lines of the second image. (y)
Cheers mate

Lovely work Martin
Thank you Alf

Two "Excellent" shots Martin, liking both of these very much.
Thank you George

Excellent work Martin the lead in structures certainly working for you.
Thank you
As others have said both very pleasing images, great foreground interest and leading lines. I havent read everyones comments but I like on the first one how the 'mountain' for want of a better word, it puffing out the clouds from its top.
The second one is nicely balanced with the trees, and a bonus that there is a fallen tree too, added interest for me. Well done, well worth going through archives.
I know where you took shot two from, almost to the exact cm...

Nice but I want reflections and these foreground reeds tack still and sharp. For this reason I prefer one with the way the light catches them but the locale of two.

Punchy and dramatic conversions though :D