Coventry Fly In - Avro Vulcan XH558

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I'm embarrassed to post these photos as they're not good compared to others on here (so no C&C please!) but I want to draw people's attention to the appeal from the Vulcan to the Sky Trust that it is facing closure at the end of October unless sufficient funds can be raised to maintain XH558 through the winter period.

For those like myself who have an interest in seeing this unique aircraft continue to fly there are many ways to help, from joining the Supporter's Club, making small regular donations, entering a monthly prize draw, to offering sponsorship at any level. Please browse the options at

Thank You.



They are good Andy, love the Vulcan and saw the report on TV tonight.
they're great photos !

it would be a shame if the necessary funding wasn't found , but sadly in todays climate people have less money to give to charities etc and like many similar ventures the Vulcan to the sky is feeling the effects. i do hope they get enough money to continue
Sure they are better than yours but maybe the guy has better kit or more experience,If you spend your time running your own photography down you will never get to be that good
Sure they are better than yours but maybe the guy has better kit or more experience,If you spend your time running your own photography down you will never get to be that good

Thanks for the encouragement but I know I CAN be that good! I have the kit and the experience but it was a grey day and a bit of a scrum at the front of the barrier, and like many I am super-critical of my own efforts!! :bonk:

Thanks again. (y)

Nowt wrong with your shots andy its just that mr shore always seams to catch the good weather,unless i turn up with him and rain usually comes aswell :D
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Great heads up for a worthy cause imho,Andy,and nothing wrong with the pics,mate ,quite the opposite.
As for Kev,he's excellent too ,and I enjoyed looking at his too.

Thanks for the kind comments, but THESE are nice photos!!


Thank you for your kind comments Chris. (y) There is absolutely nothing wrong with your shots though! They are nice clean shots.
I've never forgotten what a guy told me on my first trip up the welsh hills shooting lowlevel shots. He has his work published and told me if he got one decent shot that HE was happy with out of a thousand, then he would be happy.
I scoffed at it at the time, but with a little more experience now, I understand what he meant. We're very rarely happy with our own work. Me more so than most. That's what makes us go out and shoot again and again. ;)
If you ever fancy a Friday over my way and want to meet up and shoot the Reds or fighter jets, just give me a shout.
Be happy with those shots mate. Nowhere near as bad as you think. :clap:


p.s it would probably help if you bought a Nikon. ;) :D
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Sure they are better than yours but maybe the guy has better kit or more experience,If you spend your time running your own photography down you will never get to be that good

I've got a Nikon. ;) So I suppose you are right! :D :LOL: :LOL:
This Vulcan flew over my house 2 mins before you took these shots , i thought my roof was going to cave in. nice shots.
Hey guys, thanks for all the positive comments. If I really thought my photos were that c**p I wouldn't have posted them! They're just not up to the standard I would have liked due to a number of factors (NOT including equipment manufacturer! :LOL:) but then I'm rarely 100% satisfied with any of my work.

Kev - if your offer for a Friday shoot is genuine I will take you up on that (or was the invitation for Chris?!! :thinking:) - I have a few days vacation left to 'use or lose' - a bit of local knowledge would be a great help. (y)

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Kev - if your offer for a Friday shoot is genuine I will take you up on that (or was the invitation for Chris?!! :thinking:) - I have a few days vacation left to 'use or lose' - a bit of local knowledge would be a great help. (y)


Absolutely meant for you! (y) But then again, anyone is welcome! :) But this Friday I'm hoping to shoot lowlevel for three days from today onwards in the Lake District at Tebay. Leaving in an hour. :D

Nice shots. Has there ever been a better name for a plane? I hope I get the chance to see it flying before it's too late.