Critique please

Hi Gareth, if you want people to give critique I suggest you post the pics directly to TP. A lot of people will not click on a link.
All decent pics there I'd say. There are one or two where the face isn't quite well lit enough but only marginal.
Is there one in particular you're after feedback on?
dunno how to do that, i'm new to this site. it's the one of the cat please.
Thank you Ross, the light on the face was intended was just playing around and turned one side of the flash off.
Thank you everyone
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It#'s a shot of a cat. Not sure what else to say here. It's detailed, and sharp. The shallow depth of field means the eye grabs my attention. However, beyond that... it's just a casual shot of a cat. The contrast between the big white paw, and the very dark area in the opposite corner makes it a little unbalanced IMO. Should you lose it or not? That's up to you. If it's your cat, why not just keep it? Not everything you take needs to be judged in this way. I take pictures of my cat all the time. I don't show them, or ask for crit because it's just a shot of my cat so I have memories of her when she's no longer here. If you shot this as a serious attempt at a photograph people would want to look at and admire, I'm afraid for me... it' just a snapshot of a cat.
Here's the image for the no link click brigade

as David said- It's a cat shot.

It's not brilliant but if the OP likes it then save it, I personally like it

Got My Eye On You by thegazzzman, on Flickr

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