"Critique" Spot metering and a torch

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
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Hi folks.

I have some ideas using this particular style and would like some honest, constuctive feedback to get it right.

I definitely want the main subject surrounded by black space, and I want to keep it minimalist - ish.

Many thanks.

A Light Shines by simon ess, on Flickr
So basically light painting the subject with a touch as a point of light, I would consider moving the touch around a little more to bring out some detail in the shadows of the sculpture (y)

Aah - thanks Matt. That's an interesting idea.

I'll need a slower shutter speed for that. I'll give it a go.

Its not something I would do but I quite like it but I do like the minimalistic stuff although I prefer natural light effect (if that makes any sense and is not too contradictory).

Thanks Steve.

Yeah, I like natural light, but if I'm understanding you correctly, how would you suggest using natural light but retain the blackness?