Cross Processing

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I really like the look of some cross processed portrait I've seen and wanted to have a go but they're not really turning out how I wanted. I don't know a massive amount about it because I never really use a film camera and I certainly never processed my own films so my background knowledge is lacking. I've got a few tutorials on CD which I've been through but I've not really learnt anything from them. One of them for instance is cross processing using levels and it just says to put in certain values in the different colour channels and hey presto. The problem being that they made the photo I was working on look aweful in particualr it made the skin tones even redder than they were and because there was no real teaching involved with the tutorial I'm not sure where it went wrong or how to fix it.

Does cross processing only lend itself to certain types of photo or poses or can it be applied to anything? How do you know when it's been over done and no longer has the cross processed look?

I went through a phase of crossprocessing. I did it through curves, basically just making an S shape in the All/R/G/B channels.

Donegal International 2006, Niall Maguire.
There's a tutorial here:

I've not tried but the results looked pretty good.

Thanks a lot for that, it's the same tutorial I got on a CD from DC Magazine and is what gave me some rubbish results following the values they suggested. Thanks anyway for trying to help.

Here's a good cross process action set.

I've done a bit of cross processing but not for portraits yet. I've read that Kodak epp is a good film for cross processed portraits. Pulling the process by half a stop can reign in the effect too.

I know nowt about film me. Thanks for the link to the actions I'll give them a try some time. Kind of wanted to learn how to do it for myself but if these work then it probably isn't worth the hassle of doing it myself.

I went through a phase of crossprocessing. I did it through curves, basically just making an S shape in the All/R/G/B channels.

Donegal International 2006, Niall Maguire.
Nice to see that cross processing does lend itself to other types of photography. You've done a good job there.(y)