Well, it arrived today which is pretty impressive considering I am way up in Shetland. Only ordered it Saturday from ebay.
The bag is of a really high quality, the stitching seems flawless throughout and the materials are really good too. The padding is pretty inflexible which may change over time but I am really delighted with the build. Compared to my Lowepro Slinghsot which had some faulty stitching this is a dream.
On to the most important bit, how much kit I can fit in. As I said when I began this thread, I wanted to carry a (non-gripped) EOS 40D with an attached Canon 50mm f1.4 and attached lens hood, a Sigma 10-20mm lens, Canon Speedlite 430 EXII, spare batteries, memory cards, lens cloth, radio triggers, off-camera cord and flash diffuser.
I am taking the above kit on holiday and as I have to drag along two kids and my wife I want to travel light.
Here is a pic of the bag closed. I went for the black/orange as I want to keep the camera adverts to a minimum.
Here is the bag with all of the kit bar the camera. The XL differs from the bigger bags in the range in that it only has one divider. The Speedlite is to the left in is pouch, FM triggers lying on the bottom of the bag and the Sigma 10-20mm is to the right held in by the divider.
Here is the 40D in place. It took some thought to get it all in, the grip of the 40D kind of hooks onto the divider and is just above the 10-20mm. The attached 50mm lens is above the FM triggers lying below. I had to jiggle the Speedlite as well as the pouch is not a straightforward shape.
Finally, the bellows pouch on the front. This photo probably doesn't do it justice as it is roomier than it appears here. It runs to the bottom of the bag and has plenty room for spare batteries, memory cards and a lens cloth. There is room in there as well for a small notepad/pen and a mobile phone.
Overall I am delighted with this bag. I assume it has been discontinued as it no longer appears on the Crumpler site so I would suggest picking one up if you are looking cloesly at them. I believe the bigger sizes are getting quite hard to find.