CS4 and Vista.

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Attempted to put CS4 on my newly acquired box running Vista Home Premium.
Intel Quad Core 2.4 GHZ Q6600, 4Gb RAM.

This is my first experience of Vista, don't care for it much but thought I'd leave it be for now and have a play.
I know XP inside out but from what I've read there are issues getting XP onto this box due to Sata drivers, i.e. no-one can get it to work.

Anyhoo, I offered it CS4 and it fell over telling me that min spec on Vista was service pack one.
Reading, it appears there are SP1 and SP2 for Vista and they're not cumulative, i.e. you have to install SP1 then SP2 if you want it.

The question I would ask, if anyone has had experience, is if CS4 runs well on Vista+SP1 or whether it would be better to go the whole hog and give it SP1 and SP2? I've been told that Vista runs like a dog after it's been installed for a while.

In all probability, I'll dump Vista in the not too distant future and put 7 on it.
I've been told that if you buy an upgrade, it will let you wipe and do a clean install. Don't know if this is true and which version would give the best bang for buck.
Running Vista with CS4 extended on vista then With SP1 and now with SP2.

works fine.

By the way XP home original release needed sata drivers until the release of service pack1 then a microsoft CD with sp included will load sata drivers fine.

XP Pro had them from the start.

Never found Vista to run like a dog and far more reliable than XP
I'm running CS4 on Vista with SP2 with no problems at all.
CS4 will load and run on vista without SP1/2 but I dont know if it will be fully functional as I installed on my Vista PC then installed SP1 and 2 to get the updates for it
Ditch Vista and upgrade to Windows 7 - you will not regret it!!

without wanting to derail this thread too much, vista was never too bad providing you had the spec to run it. 99% of vistas problems were that it was supplied on crappy spec machines and initial driver issues. i ran vista64 for a long while before the company started trialling 7 and i never had any fault with it to be honest.

plus the OP may not have the cash to upgrade. especially after buying CS4 :D
Some interesting replies, people.
I'm curious because I offered the machine CS4 Master Extended and it wouldn't proceed simply telling me no-go without SP1.
This struck me as odd because it installs on XP without problems, just reminding you that you should have 2 Gig of RAM minimum - although I know it will run with 1 Gig.
Upgrading to 7 is not a problem, per-se. I just thought I'd play with Vista for a while after reading so many horror stories about what a piece of ***** it is.

By the way, no-one responded to my Windows 7 carrot. Anyone know if 7 upgrade will do a clean install and which version is the best bang for buck?
Some interesting replies, people.
I'm curious because I offered the machine CS4 Master Extended and it wouldn't proceed simply telling me no-go without SP1.
This struck me as odd because it installs on XP without problems, just reminding you that you should have 2 Gig of RAM minimum - although I know it will run with 1 Gig.
Upgrading to 7 is not a problem, per-se. I just thought I'd play with Vista for a while after reading so many horror stories about what a piece of ***** it is.

By the way, no-one responded to my Windows 7 carrot. Anyone know if 7 upgrade will do a clean install and which version is the best bang for buck?

xp and vista are completely different OS though, you cant compare installing on one over the other..

it will do a clean install. chances are youll be fine with home, but you might want to have a look at the features for each:

If you are after Windows7 and have a student in the household you can get Windows7 professional upgrade for about £30...
after reading so many horror stories about what a piece of ***** it is.

but there are many who have not had any issues with it and nor have any of the machines I built since Vista was released.

My vista PC has not been attended to other than routine maintenance since Vista was installed at initial release. XP I was always re-installing every couple of months.

Get far fewer problems with Vista than I do with XP on the hundreds of each I have built.
but there are many who have not had any issues with it and nor have any of the machines I built since Vista was released.

My vista PC has not been attended to other than routine maintenance since Vista was installed at initial release. XP I was always re-installing every couple of months.

Get far fewer problems with Vista than I do with XP on the hundreds of each I have built.


I run vista on two computers myself and my siste runs it on her desktop (total of around 10 years in all) and other than around 4 crashes in that cumilative time it's been fine. W7 is essentially no more than a little fettling under the bonnet and a new coat of paint with one massive marketing campaign. :p

As for the original question install both SP1 and 2 as there is a reason microsoft released a second service pack.
I've been running Vista for a good while on a similar setup to the OP (more RAM and the Q6600 clocked to 3.6GHz), and on a 2.4GHz core 2 duo before that, and have always found it to be as fast as XP, much more stable, and it has not started running slower and needed reinstalling like XP seemed to do from time to time.

Had no issues with the SP's either.

Haven't got round to putting 7 on yet. Maybe one day.
Well, installed SP1 then SP2. Installed Adobe Master Suite 4, went OK.
Tried out the apps. PS runs lickety spit, no problems. Ditto Bridge, Acrobat etc.
However, Dreamweaver falls over (?) Must do a Google to see if there's a patch.