*** CUTE WARNING *** Lion Cub at Chester Zoo

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The Lioness & cub where out at Chester Zoo today, here's some pics
Kevin :)




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That first one is great but should come with a cute warning...
please dont let my wife see it!!

Nice set mate

Thank you, *** CUTE WARNING *** added to title, sorry hope didn't cause to many problems.

That last one is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. Send them in to Chester Zoo.

It is really cute.
Now that's some nice shots there, wonderfully captured. I particularly like the last one ... so endearing (y)
top notch in the cuteness stakes :)
Awwwwwwww I was told that the cub was out over the weekend...it's sooooooo cute, i wonder if they'd miss it :D
Nice set (y)
The last one most definitely qualifies as cute :)
Really nice set! I would like to smuggle that cute little "kitty" to Canada. :)
nice pics it looks doped up :LOL:
I want one! :D

Interesting to note the 2x TC was used on these as well considering it's supposed to destroy any reasonable IQ.
Beautiful shots. I saw him 2 weeks ago, he was just a blob!
Hi again everyone, thanks for comments, went to the zoo again this afternnon, the Lionesss & cub were out again (poor old male Lion was locked inside), I could watch them for hours, in fact I did!, I was glad when they moved so we all rushed to another point because my legs were starting to get stiff.
Simmontino, I was quite pleased with the IQ yesterday with the 2x converter on the 70-200, I also have a 1.4x, today I thought I'd experiment & stacked the converters, results were pretty good, but good light levels were needed, auto focus worked fine & fairly quick on animals not taken through a fence, but for the Lions I switched to manual focusing.
I'll post an image up soon.
Regards Kevin
was nice to talk with other Togs there :)

Images below taken with 1.4x & 2x stacked




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