Cycle race photographers whats wrong with them?


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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I do a lot of different sports.. more than most .... The last three cycle races I ahve done (in about a year as they are few and far betwen) I have met three lots of different photogrpahers... Every single one including last night have been sour faced misery guts unhelpful and unfriendly.. Out of all the sports i do cover I genrally enjoy other photogrpahers company and get on well... But cyclist photogrpahers are down there... I approach everyone.. smile chat... but these guys.. miserable gits..

I may be mistaking miserable for bored..Bikes just go round in circles every 5 minutes for a couple of hrs... :)
They're utterly depressed I would have thought. Not much money in the cycling market unless you're on commission.
They're utterly depressed I would have thought. Not much money in the cycling market unless you're on commission.

yeagh could see that.. Thousands lined the streets as it was gran prix so town center.... you couldnt count the dslrs being used..... guessing social media flooded wiht pics today.. cycles and running events.. i do start and first three through finish.. thats me done haha.. couldnt do every rider or runner... same pic all day .. just what paper needs and thats it..
I do a lot of different sports.. more than most .... The last three cycle races I ahve done (in about a year as they are few and far betwen) I have met three lots of different photogrpahers... Every single one including last night have been sour faced misery guts unhelpful and unfriendly.. Out of all the sports i do cover I genrally enjoy other photogrpahers company and get on well... But cyclist photogrpahers are down there... I approach everyone.. smile chat... but these guys.. miserable gits..


I have to say, that the two clubs I belonged to had the two most miserable photographers/people you could hope to meet. I never saw them crack a smile. They also cycled but not competitively, and they were not very sociable on clubruns.
I suppose it takes all sorts - but I beleive this guy was a top bloke (not just in a photography sense)..... Graham Watson
Well i got what I needed.. the first overhead pic is just me holding the camera above my head and hoping for best.. was suprised they used that :)

That's a real shame to hear. I've been at a series of evening events held locally where there have been a handful of 'pros' and every one of them has taken the time to have a chat about their equipment, shown me some of the better spots to be and given me tips to improve my skills. I came away cheered greatly by their willingness to just have a chat and answer my, probably very 'newbie', questions. That being said I was careful not to get in their way or follow them around and be nuisance. Pity you came across a few out there being so miserable.
That being said I was careful not to get in their way or follow them around and be nuisance.

I said miserable not annoyed haha :)

Pity you came across a few out there being so miserable.

It was the fact it was different cycle events and different photogrpahers and all had same attitude.. As mentioned in my first post I ahve covered more different sports than most people and only this sport come accross misery guts.... oh well.. was just an observation and as it turns out i am not the only one to see it :)
I do a lot of different sports.. more than most .... The last three cycle races I ahve done (in about a year as they are few and far betwen) I have met three lots of different photogrpahers... Every single one including last night have been sour faced misery guts unhelpful and unfriendly.. Out of all the sports i do cover I genrally enjoy other photogrpahers company and get on well... But cyclist photogrpahers are down there... I approach everyone.. smile chat... but these guys.. miserable gits..

Must be wearing all that Lycra in this heat!
I recently covered the cycling at the Special Olympics in Scotland as my son was competing.

Of all the sports I've covered.. that was the least interesting.. and yes there was a grumpy and miserable photographer there - me.
Having just covered 3 stages of the Tour Poitou-Charentes, I understand "grumpy". Road closures mean that you need to be in position 2 hours before and then the peleton shoots past and it's all over in 30 seconds. The time trial is marginally better in that you have a shot every 2 minutes for 2-1/2 hours but it's challenging to get any variety other than the colours.
I do a lot of different sports.. more than most .... The last three cycle races I ahve done (in about a year as they are few and far betwen) I have met three lots of different photogrpahers... Every single one including last night have been sour faced misery guts unhelpful and unfriendly.. Out of all the sports i do cover I genrally enjoy other photogrpahers company and get on well... But cyclist photogrpahers are down there... I approach everyone.. smile chat... but these guys.. miserable gits..


KIPAX, i assume you mean road cycle photographers are all a bit sour faced miserable guys. Pop along to a mountain bike race, especially DH and enduro, and see that we are the fun guys. Great atmosphere here with most of us heckling and shouting at the riders as much as the spectators! We are all a very friendly (loud) type of photographers! :LOL:
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KIPAX, i assume you mean road cycle photographers

I did.. and it was only based on the miserable lot I come accross... sure theres one with a smile somewhere :)
I got into photography through photographing cycle races for my brother and his team. I started this summer and enjoyed it to begin with but now I'm happy that the season is over and I'm not planning to pick it back up next year.

It's boring, not much variety in shots and locations (I mostly do closed track races) and time consuming. On a normal 3 hour event, I'll have anywhere between 400-600 useful shots (filtered down from 1200+) and I know that the only people that are interested in the photos are the riders looking for something to put on Instagram.

It's been a really good introduction into photography and I've learnt loads, but I wont miss not going out to them anymore!