Cyprus Coastline

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Well I thought I would add a sort of an introduction to this. I'm 18 and I've only really used the camera since about January/February so I still consider myself quite bad at this (maybe some hardcore forumites remember when I signed up asking for advice on what DSLR to buy?). I live in England but I've moved over to Cyprus for about 7 months and it's given me the chance to be able to take some pictures with a bit more to offer. I found it really hard when I first got here since I had only just learned the SLR basics and I had experimented only with dim light. When I got to Cyprus with my 400D, wow! There's so much light! But I think I've gotten the hang of adjusting the aperture and shutter speed accordingly and so I'm quite happy with my own progress even if it may be slow.

I still see photography as just a hobby so I know I'm not going to come out with any jaw-dropping photos just yet, but I do quite like the look of some of the ones I've taken the past couple of days. I had gotten quite used to taking long exposure shots with a tripod and remote, so I did a trial the past two days by taking the camera (Canon 400D) out by itself with one lens at a time. The first day I went with the stock lens (18-55mm) and the second day the zoom (90-300mm). It was really tough the second day trying to get some larger shots, and from some of the views I got I was kicking myself that I didn't have that 18mm range to work with, but I think I got a few gooduns. I'm thinking about buying the nifty fifty, should I go for it? I also don't have any filters, so the shots you're seeing are basically from me and the 400D straight out of the box.

Well enough rambling. The link to my Flickr page is at the top so give it a click to see the shoots I've been speaking about. I think I'm in Protaras? but I'm hopeless at geography so lets just call it Cyprus. I would say I'm looking for some helpful critique but as I know many of you are amazing photographers I wouldn't want anything too harsh! I'm still very much beginner at this stage so take things with a pinch of salt, but if you see anything you like then I'll take any compliments you can muster. :LOL:

Anyway, thanks for your time, hope you enjoy the photos. :wacky:






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I dont really do many landscapes, so im not the best to offer advice, just a couple of pointers if you put your pictures in the post you will get more replies and always number your photos,

I would check to make sure your horizons are straight before posting. Try some in landscape mode all yours seem to be potrait.

Next enjoy the light it looks fantastic and keep posting someone will come along who can give more help than I can offer(y)
You know the horizon didn't even come into my head when I was shooting, I was too busy trying to get the content in the frame straight! I'll definitely remember next time.

I've also done as suggested and put some shots into the original post. :woot:
the horizon is so important, you can alter in photoshop if you get it wrong when taking the photo though(y)
Anton, you are a lucky man. 7 months in Cyprus with your camera!!

I am intending to come out to cyprus this year to take some nice shots. Although I'll be a little bit further west than you in Paphos, perhaps if I'm there while you are we can do a Cyprus meet!!!!!

I like the shots, perhaps I'm just focusing on the blue sky and sea!!!! got to say though #1 I think is great

Tell me, how did you manage 7 months out there????!!!!
Cyprus aint so bad but it's dead this time of year. I wish the transaction between light and night were a bit slower since I have barely 15minutes for a long exposure shot... I'll still end up trying though!

I've been feeling kind of put down looking at the kind of photos in the other threads. I know I'm still barely just out of beginner but I feel like I need to step up my game to get any attention... Anyway, some more shots:





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Pleasing colours. Would love to see some dawn and dusk shots, some nice sunrises and sunsets.

Believe me Gary, I'm gonna try. If I can manage to get a beach early/late enough I'll do it all the time. Like I said though, the transition here between light and night is so fast... I will only have about a half hour window of usable time. Will have to get some practice in. :D