d2x vs newer d90 ect

Great to hear you got it sorted :)

The manual is like war & Peace but it's worth reading just to get used to customising it (if the previous owner hasn't already). Make sure it has EASY EXPOSURE COMPENSATION set - it's a really useful function that makes the rear thumb) command dial adjust exposure comp... don't think this is set as a default setting.

The function button near the lens mount is a nice feature i use a lot; have mine set up A) to (press and hold) lock out the flash when a speedlight is attached - comes in handy when you want to vary shots between natural and flash lighting - and B) (press and rotate rear command dial) change to crop mode when using my long lenses and eek a bit more reach from them. Okay it's 6mp or so but fine for A4+ prints. You have the cropping mask in the viewfinder on the D2Xs :)

It's a great body and one that I dearly love using.