D40 , Nikon 50mm 1.8d manual focus problem

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Hi all

I have just purchased a 50mm 1.8d, I knew it was manual focus only on my camera, when I look through the view finder and focus, things appear in focus but when looking at them on my pc , i can tell that they are out, quite a lot sometimes..

I need to wear glasses for long distance viewing and was wondering if this would affect what I see through the viewfinder, also how does the viewfinder focus slider affect the focus of the lens, any tips here would be appreciated very much.

i'm very pleased with the lens when i get the focus right :), I plan to use the lens for when I go on holiday and also when I go to gigs ( as its a lot less obtrusive than my 55-200mm).
Sounds like the diopter could need adjusted on your camera to suit your eyesight, this is done with the small wheel or slider next to the viewfinder.

The way to tell if images are in focus with the D40 when manually focussing is that a small green light flashes in the lower left of the viewfinder as you do it, becoming solid when focus is achieved.
I would suggest that you set up the diopter correction, or get a proper correcting eyepiece (if these are still made) as the green light is not exactly accurate.

Congratulation's on getting some Nice glass there.