D7000 stock

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Seems to be impossible to get hold of at the moment! Are all the factories churning out D800s instead?

It's in stock here with one etailer but at 25% over usual high street price :(
mid_gen said:
Seems to be impossible to get hold of at the moment! Are all the factories churning out D800s instead?

It's in stock here with one etailer but at 25% over usual high street price :(

I noticed this yesterday went I went online to get one... One website is claiming end of march/April before stock... Lol
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Hmm I'm thinking.....I do value portability, I don't care about weather-sealing, I only ever use centre-point AF, don't care about AF motor. Might just go for a D5100.
been waiting for a D7000 since November :crying:, delivery seems to slip 1 month per month:eek:
Got a 5100 on the way home. Sales guy took camera out, and showed it working etc....then put it all back in the box, minus the battery.:bang:

Still, have the 5100 and Tamron 17-50 2.8 non-VC to play with. I'm afraid the X100 mis-focused for the last time at the weekend. :wave:
Hmm I'm thinking.....I do value portability, I don't care about weather-sealing, I only ever use centre-point AF, don't care about AF motor. Might just go for a D5100.

Look like you found the camera you need, but the D7000 add more then just those points you mention.
Look like you found the camera you need, but the D7000 add more then just those points you mention.

Not really.

If you don't need weather sealing, don't want a bigger body, don't need AF beyond centre point and don't need 6FPS, the D5100 is just as good (and in some ways better - adjustable LCD) than a D7000. Everything else that matters is there.
Yes you don't need all that but thats just personal preference only. You prefer not to have that and thats your decision, at the end of the day if you happy with the D5100 then thats all it matters.

The fact is D7000 have more to offer than the D5100. All the function you mention you don't need is all the things that it makes D7000 slightly upper than the D5100.

I wasn't pointing the arrows at you saying the D5100 are bad, i just stating the obvious that the D7000 have more functions/specs than the D5100.
In my humble opinion I think the D7000 has much better ISO capability which is a big + for me.
Yes you don't need all that but thats just personal preference only. You prefer not to have that and thats your decision, at the end of the day if you happy with the D5100 then thats all it matters.

The fact is D7000 have more to offer than the D5100. All the function you mention you don't need is all the things that it makes D7000 slightly upper than the D5100.

I wasn't pointing the arrows at you saying the D5100 are bad, i just stating the obvious that the D7000 have more functions/specs than the D5100.

I have a D7000, not a D5100. Was simply pointing out that if the additional stuff isn't needed, the D7000 isn't better. More means nothing if it isn't needed or going to be used.

In my humble opinion I think the D7000 has much better ISO capability which is a big + for me.

The sensor and processing between the two is virtually identical. The sensor is, the processing pretty much is (it's not completely identical as the D5100 offers 1080p30, where the D7000 doesn't).
Seems to be impossible to get hold of at the moment! Are all the factories churning out D800s instead?

It's in stock here with one etailer but at 25% over usual high street price :(

I think the D7000 will have been one of the bodies produced in the Thai factory that ended up under about 6 ft of water...
I have a D7000, not a D5100. Was simply pointing out that if the additional stuff isn't needed, the D7000 isn't better. More means nothing if it isn't needed or going to be used.

Like I said earlier, is all personal preference to which camera is "BETTER" for you or the user.

I will mention again, the camera have more features then the other one and if you choose not to use it or not needed it doesn't mean the camera have more is not better.
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Controls wheels alone and the top LCD are for me worth it going up higher in the range above the D5100...But hey each to their own.
Ive also been trying since xmas. I calked Jessops on Saturday and they reckon they have a shipment of 650 arriving on 5th March. They currently have 70+ on order via the web site so some of that stock should reach the bigger stores a few days later they said.
Controls wheels alone and the top LCD are for me worth it going up higher in the range above the D5100...But hey each to their own.

I prefer the extra physical controls...but again when I actually look at how I use my camera....95% of the time I set it up for the day/night and that's it. I can live with auto-iso + aperture priority. I've been down the route of buying the biggest and best with a 5D2 + L lenses before and it didn't get used so all in all I'm quite happy with the size of the 5100.

Now I just need the darn battery to go try it out!
Controls wheels alone and the top LCD are for me worth it going up higher in the range above the D5100...But hey each to their own.

Absolutely !!! i Made the move from a D60 (excellent camera) to a D90 and now wouldnt be without the control wheels and LCD screen, you've made a good point there !
Like I said earlier, is all personal preference to which camera is "BETTER" for you or the user.

I will mention again, the camera have more features then the other one and if you choose not to use it or not needed it doesn't mean the camera have more is not better.

More features doesn't make a camera better than another, it means it has more features. That's all it means. It doesn't by itself make it better or worse until the use cases get matched to it. Better is a completely meaningless word without context. Of course, thinking otherwise gets camera companies to sell much more expensive cameras to people, so they're not likely to disabuse people of the "more is better" notion.
More features doesn't make a camera better than another, it means it has more features. That's all it means. It doesn't by itself make it better or worse until the use cases get matched to it. Better is a completely meaningless word without context. Of course, thinking otherwise gets camera companies to sell much more expensive cameras to people, so they're not likely to disabuse people of the "more is better" notion.

Looking back at the previous comment you and I made, i never said the D7000 is better right from the start. I only said it have more to offer than the D5100 which is a fact and is true. Whether you need it or not is another thing.

I will mention again and the final time that it is personal preference on which camera you want to use, either have more features or less.

The D7000 have more to offer than the D5100 and thats a fact. This doesn't mean which camera is better. I'm just stating the facts and is up to the user to choose which one suits their need.

I will also not reply to this thread again because it will just keep going on and on about the term "better".
The 7000 is much more easily controlled due to the wealth of buttons. The 5100 requires you to go into menus to change things which is fine until you start becoming more adventurous with your photography.

This is exactly what I found with my D5000, hence the move to the 7k.
Gosh, so many comments regarding which is better. I have both and I use the 5100 way more often. Smaller, lighter, picture quality is pretty much the same with the lenses I have. I find the tilt screen way more useful than the extra controls so I can place the camera high or low and get framing right without a 100 shots. I'm actually thinking to sell one and get a m43 camera. By usage it should be the 7000 going but I just can't decide.

They are both awesome cameras, neither will disappoint any new purchasers.
mifsuds just confirmed they still have no delivery dates for new D7000's in the uk.
Not having any problems with the camera controls on the 5100, and I've used to XXD and XD Canon's. The 'recent settings' menu makes it all pretty painless.

With the 17-50 2.8 it's more capable night time street camera than the X100, as it actually focuses! Just need to find stock of the 35 1.8 somewhere.....
Not having any problems with the camera controls on the 5100, and I've used to XXD and XD Canon's. The 'recent settings' menu makes it all pretty painless.

With the 17-50 2.8 it's more capable night time street camera than the X100, as it actually focuses! Just need to find stock of the 35 1.8 somewhere.....

Glad to hear you're enjoying it :)
Waiting for one here too, wishing I'd just splashed with the never-never when they were £800 :LOL:

Amazon had seven in stock last Wed at £999, sold by them not FBA or third party. By the time I thought about it and went back for a looky, they'd all sold, in around two hours. I've spoken with Calumet and Jacobs and neither know when they'll get stock.

Wondering whether to just keep saving and wait for the D300s replacement ;)
Still debating whether I should have gone for it or waited for a replacement model or even the D300S replacement (whenever that may be FX or DX)
Heh, I've been trying since Xmas, albeit half heartedly :)

Plenty of D300s stock available, I've been offered them whenever I enquire about the D7000, so not sure when that replacement will come... It'll be a shocker if it's FX tho, as it'd leave no "pro" (hate that term!) DX body in the lineup. Lots of speculation that the D400, should it be named thus, won't appear until much later in the year tho.
Charlatan said:
Seems to be plenty of stock both in Japan and now here in China but you will pay a huge premium for the pleasure the price is almost double that I paid for my body in the UK.

Hopefully that means there's thousands on a slow boat from Thailand heading this way! :)
None in the major retailers here in HK when I was looking in the last couple of weeks...not at a sensible price anyway.

I'm actually looking for this very camera. One of my colleagues wants to get rid of his - he says he just doesn't use it enough to justify having it around - and was looking for about GBP800 for the body + 18-105mm lens. He said that he thought it had about 5000 actuations and about 18 months left on the warranty, but would confirm on Monday.

Pixmania has the same package advertised new for 1028 GBP, and (allegedly) available from the 9th. Any thoughts?

I'm also due to go to Japan at the end of the month, but given the super-strong yen I guess it won't be competitive buying it from there?

Lastly, if one purchased it in the US would the warranty cover the UK?

Thank you.