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I might go for one of these. If only for the 100% viewfinder coverage, though I think 16mp is excessive. :bonk:

Anyone else fancy one? :shrug:
theres another thread, but whilst many seem to think its not much better than the D90, I have to disagree....

- 100% viewfinder
- 16mp
- ISO performance 1 stop better than D90
- Magnesium weather sealed body
- dual sd cards
- 39 point autofocus
- AF fine tune
- quiet mode and mirror up
- 6 fps
- autofocus in video mode
- 1000 shots per charge
- user configerable settings
- shutter life 150,000

(But why the hell are there 12 scene modes on what is a semi pro camera?????)

Cripes what more could anyone want?

It wont make my pictures better, I dont need to upgrade from my D90, but I am going to buy one, as long as the reviews support the ISO performance - brilliant camera!!!
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Because it's not a semi-pro camera.....

and just what the hell is?
I wouldn't say no, but I think a D90 would still be more than adaquate, D7000 is a bit too much to justify the extra's at present. Not that I can affrod a D90, yet !! ;-)
Like my D300 so keen to see how the D7000 adds up! Of the main changes...

- 100% viewfinder - Dont have issues with the D300 finder so not missing anything.
- 16mp - Guess a few more doesnt hurt!
- ISO performance 1 stop better than D90 - In the real world not as good as the D700 I guess which I am really after!
- dual sd cards - Useful to have
- 39 point autofocus - Do I need 51?
- autofocus in video mode - May be of use as could leave camcorder at home.

BUT - am guessing as its lighter and smaller that is around the same size of the D90, now I find the D300 much better to hold. So, for a D300 user, there are some nice features, but seems a sideway move and would still rather have an older D700
I had a play with one yesterday at the launch and it does feel great. They have really thought about making the options really accessible and I think it will sell really well. Nikon told me we should see stock around the 28th of October.

Here is our thread for pre order if you want to put your names down for one. We are going to have an open day in a few weeks and the D7000 will be previewed.


Peeps, you know you want a D7000, particularly you D300 owners!
Here, I will make it easy for you, :naughty: BUY the D7000 and I will give you a few quid for your 'minter' D300 to take it off your hands!:LOL:
Well I'm gonna buy one to try, I've downgraded from D700 & FX lenses cos of the weight and I find the D90 autofocus too slow, as I did the D300s, so I'm hoping the D7000 will be a new generation af.

Hell it's only money I ain't got.
The extra price over the D90 is a joke TBH.

If I needed a magnesium weather sealed body and fast FPS I'd buy a gripped D300s.

I've had to grip my D90 as I feel it too small without one.
Well I'm gonna buy one to try, I've downgraded from D700 & FX lenses cos of the weight and I find the D90 autofocus too slow, as I did the D300s, so I'm hoping the D7000 will be a new generation af.

Hell it's only money I ain't got.

D90 and D300s autofocus to slow???????????
theres another thread, but whilst many seem to think its not much better than the D90, I have to disagree..../QUOTE]

From what i have read people are just pointing out the obvious, and that is that its not in their opinion £600 better than the D90.
I'm surprised by the negativity on display towards this - I think I might end up getting one of these. Been mainly considering a D300(s) or a 7D for a while but this looks pretty damn good to me. Shame no 60p video though.

theres another thread, but whilst many seem to think its not much better than the D90, I have to disagree....

From what i have read people are just pointing out the obvious, and that is that its not in their opinion £600 better than the D90.

The RRP of the D90 is £850, compared to RRP £1099 for the D7000 - so £250 difference once prices settle, not £600.
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The RRP of the D90 is £850, compared to RRP £1099 for the D7000 - so £250 difference once prices settle, not £600.

£850 for a D90??

I think you'll find the RRP for the D90 is £550 & the D7000 is about £600 more.
Pointless camera, other than to generate sales from people who need the newest toys.
I was going on this which says it went up to £850 in April 2009 - maybe it went down again? But I doubt to £550.

You're half right. It has gone down, but the main outlets are selling for around the price you mention (£750). You can of course find it cheaper. MorrisPhoto are selling for £640 for example, which seems to be the average cost.

People seem to be comparing the price a D90 actually costs now (not RRP) with the RRP on release of the D7000.

I think people will look at the prices as they stand now if they are looking to make decision. The price of what something was 18 months ago isn't relevent.
Er... but the fact that the D90 now sells for much less than the RRP means that the D7000 will too. Which is why comparing current D90 prices to D7000 RRP isn't really a very fair comparison.
Hi Richard, what is the advantage of the 10 pin terminal? I can live without CF.
Accessories that plug in to it. All the pro range camera's have it, so would have been nice to include but of course they have to hold back with some features which I understand fully.

No compact flash will make it slighlty less attractive as a backup body with people who shoot with pro bodies as they are all CF.

I guess because it appears so well spec'd against the D300s it makes me think it should have these features but then I have to remember that really it's here to replace the D90.
Is it just me ? If I had D5000/3000 this would be next. It's gonna sell like the proverbial !
Is it just me ? If I had D5000/3000 this would be next. It's gonna sell like the proverbial !

Yup !
I nearly have the cash put together for a D7000 to take the place of
my D3000, but I will probably wait until the new year before buying.

And that leads to a question.
Historically, when a new camera is released, how is the price of
the D7000 expected to drop in the coming months ?
Pointless camera, other than to generate sales from people who need the newest toys.

I don't see how it's pointless. There'll always be people who haven't got a DSLR yet, and for those potential customers, the D7k would be an excellent tool to start with. Granted, I'd rather buy a D90 if it was me, as it's almost as good but at a much cheaper cost.