D7100 or D610?

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Finally decided to make the jump and get a new camera.Current camera is a d5000, I have a wide angle lens but mainly use my prime 50mm lens. Never used my 17-55mm.

I feel as though I need to take a step up. Thoughts are a D610 with a prime 50mm lens or stick with a crop sensor, purchase a d7100 and a couple of extra primes to play around with. Cost really isn't to much of an issue for the right decision.

Before you ask, my main reason is I just my D5000 is lacking some extra image quality, I've been using the studio's Canon 6d with a similar set up and I can't help but think the images I take have more punch, stronger colours and overall clarity. I do far less post processing as I would do with my personal camera...

Mainly I take landscape and portrait photography - http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisdaydesign

Any feedback would be great.

Many thanks, Chris
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The biggest thing is can you afford to set yourself up the the ff lenses? I looked I to the d600 last year but couldnt justify changing all my lenses for the very little id get from the d600 over the d7100. And the d600 is practically the 610. FF is better in low light but at what financial cost?
If you do landscapes and portraits id get the d610 and two primes, maybe an 85 1.8 and something wide.
Color/contrast/clarity have a lot to do with the lens and how it's used. The sensor does as well, but less so IMO.
BUT, smaller pixels also demand more MTF from a lens for equal contrast levels... Ultimately, if you take it to the end thru printing it's more about sensor size than pixel size for the same size of print. Are you comparing prints or files? The 610 would be a move in the right direction, the 7100 would be the wrong direction.

Canon and Nikon have different color handling; not hugely, but different. Using one in Jpeg mode and the other in raw could also make a huge difference.

Honestly, there is not enough information, but I don't think a change in camera body is going to make that much of a difference in what you are concerned with.
I went through a very similar thought process earlier this year in upgrading from a D90. My main frustration with the D90 was colour rendition - and both the D7100 and D600 (now the D610) improve hugely on this. Both camera are very highly regarded and in good light both have great IQ - and it's hard to tell images apart. It therefore came down to FF vs crop. I think the differences are far less than they were a few years ago and quite subtle: Greater angle of view, more control of depth of field, low light capability and larger viewfinder for FF. The 6D is a full frame camera, so if you're noticing and enjoying these properties, then go FF. If not, then stay with the crop.

Also, as Barratt rightly points out, you're not just buying a camera but buying into a lens system and FF are heavier and more expensive. Personally I'm not planning on buying a large number of lenses, so cost wasn't critical but I found that it was the FF lenses I wanted to use - 50mm as a standard lens, 85mm as short telephoto/portrait. Hence I went with the D600 and am very happy with it.

Good luck - nice decision to be able to make.
Many thanks for all the replys guys! I'm getting closer to making my decision. Quick question.

I have a tokina 11-16mm wideangle lens (dx format). Would I still be able to use this on the D610? I'm aware I may get some vignetting at the corners, but will it still be a usable lens at 16mm? Almost as a prime I guess.