D750 for D500/D810 predicament.

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Looking to trade in/sell my D750 and change it out for either a D500 or D810.

I have a D3s which is fantastic to use however I am slightly concerned about landscape shots.

Am I being over the top here, and is the D3 plenty enough for general (ultra) wide angle landscape work, or could I miss the higher MP count when using my D750.

I love the idea of introducing the crop factor in with the 200-500, however the D810 can crop into a similar size. And maintaining a glorious wide angle capability, good AF (whilst not a patch on the latest and greatest, seems to have done The trick for the last 10 years) DR, ISO capability.

What are your thoughts? I'm literally on the fence between the two with the slight edge towards the D810.

A reminder it will be the other half of my D3s.

Primarily shoot sports, landscapes and wildlife.

Hi Earl

I'm not overly techy when it comes to this sort of stuff but I would say that since you have included sports and wildlife to your list of preferred photographic genres along with landscapes then what you have in the D750 is possibly the best all rounder.

If you would have said just sports and wildlife I would have said D500.

If you would have said just landscape I would have said D810.

If you are set on changing then I can only recommend the D810 since I own one, and I absolutely love it.
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Your D3S will be brilliant for sports and good for landscape & wildlife .. the D810 will be brilliant for landscape and pretty good for wildlife.
The D500 will be great for speed and AF (fast sport & action wildlife) but will not give the IQ of either the D3S or D810.
I'm looking forward to some great input on this as I was 100% sure I was looking at a D500. I currently have a D300 I've had since new and a D3 I picked up a few years ago. I have a mixture of DX/FX lenses(DX 11-16, 17-55, 35 FX 50, 70-200, 300)

I shoot a mixture of Motorsport(BSB, BTCC) family, landscape, wildlife and while set on the D500 I think the major advantage of the focus system is wasted on what I need.

The main question is would I get comparable image quality using my DX lenses in crop mode on the D810 compared to a D7200/D500. i also think going for the D810 will stop me looking to upgrade the D3 in the future too.
I'm looking forward to some great input on this as I was 100% sure I was looking at a D500. I currently have a D300 I've had since new and a D3 I picked up a few years ago. I have a mixture of DX/FX lenses(DX 11-16, 17-55, 35 FX 50, 70-200, 300)

I shoot a mixture of Motorsport(BSB, BTCC) family, landscape, wildlife and while set on the D500 I think the major advantage of the focus system is wasted on what I need.

The main question is would I get comparable image quality using my DX lenses in crop mode on the D810 compared to a D7200/D500. i also think going for the D810 will stop me looking to upgrade the D3 in the future too.

A D500 with its speed and AF would certainly be a positive for motorsport and moving wildlife.
I can't really comment on IQ using the DX lenses on the D810 in crop mode but the D810 in crop mode has around 15MP, whereas the D7200 has 24MP so I'm not sure that that in itself would be a good reason to choose the D810.
A D500 with its speed and AF would certainly be a positive for motorsport and moving wildlife.
I can't really comment on IQ using the DX lenses on the D810 in crop mode but the D810 in crop mode has around 15MP, whereas the D7200 has 24MP so I'm not sure that that in itself would be a good reason to choose the D810.
Thank Gramps, probably more accurate to assume in crop mode an improvement over the D300 but not on par with the 7200/500 . The wildlife is more like wildlife park at the moment so not so fast moving and the motosport the D3/D300 is still a good combo.
Looking to trade in/sell my D750 and change it out for either a D500 or D810.

I have a D3s which is fantastic to use however I am slightly concerned about landscape shots.

Am I being over the top here, and is the D3 plenty enough for general (ultra) wide angle landscape work, or could I miss the higher MP count when using my D750.

I love the idea of introducing the crop factor in with the 200-500, however the D810 can crop into a similar size. And maintaining a glorious wide angle capability, good AF (whilst not a patch on the latest and greatest, seems to have done The trick for the last 10 years) DR, ISO capability.

What are your thoughts? I'm literally on the fence between the two with the slight edge towards the D810.

A reminder it will be the other half of my D3s.

Primarily shoot sports, landscapes and wildlife.

Couple of things jump out at me here. Firstly you say you want the D810/D750 for ultra wide angle, but there's no reason you can't do this with a crop body, you just need the equivalent field of view lens. Secondly you talk about missing the MP of the D750 but what's your viewing medium? Unless your printing poster size and viewing from 2 feet away you don't need such high MP.

D750 is the best alrounder of the bunch imo, does everything brilliantly, and has the best noise handling. The D810 is marginally better for landscapes but worse for sport and wildlife in terms of AF, but you can crop more. The D500 is probably the best for wildlife but will technically have the lowest IQ, but to be honest you'd probably not see any diffference except in extreme situations.

In summary all are great cameras and all more than capable of doing everything you want. I contemplated swapping my D750 for the D810 to get extra cropping for wildlife but I didn't like the grip. Plus the file size was a bit off putting as lightroom's slow enough already with the D750 files. YMMV.
Some nice input guys thanks,

D750 is a good all rounder yeah, I just want to change it out as it is getting old now and would rather shift it before it reaches 140k clicks. Your point is good and has made me think - am i spending money for the sake of spending money?

I think I am longing for the reach, whilst still having the option for some high resolution images with my UWA & for birds. I think what I need to do it take out the D3 and do some landscape stuff for an afternoon with it. If I feel the resolution hinders what I want in terms of results then I have my answer. If not, the D3s & D500 combo is a bit of a poor mans killer combo. For everything else, even the 12mp D3 is more than enough, i love the images I get with that and the build is phenomenal.

It's obvious I'm riiight on the edge between the two. Maybe Nikons new unannounced body is the one for me then.... the b*stard child of the D5 and D500 (hopefully)
Couple of things jump out at me here. Firstly you say you want the D810/D750 for ultra wide angle, but there's no reason you can't do this with a crop body, you just need the equivalent field of view lens. Secondly you talk about missing the MP of the D750 but what's your viewing medium? Unless your printing poster size and viewing from 2 feet away you don't need such high MP.

D750 is the best alrounder of the bunch imo, does everything brilliantly, and has the best noise handling. The D810 is marginally better for landscapes but worse for sport and wildlife in terms of AF, but you can crop more. The D500 is probably the best for wildlife but will technically have the lowest IQ, but to be honest you'd probably not see any diffference except in extreme situations.

In summary all are great cameras and all more than capable of doing everything you want. I contemplated swapping my D750 for the D810 to get extra cropping for wildlife but I didn't like the grip. Plus the file size was a bit off putting as lightroom's slow enough already with the D750 files. YMMV.

Yeah MP isn't a huge thing, just the ability to crop in to a reasonable DX size for sports, I print up to A2 (VERY occasionally).

I really like the grip on the D750 especially once it had the MB-D16 on it.

Thanks everyone for your input, seems like I am not the first/last person in a similar predicament.


edit: after using the 10-24, 12-24, 11-16 and 14-24. My favourite by far is the 14-24 it is astonishing apart from the flare. That's one of my gripes, and the only aspect of the 10-24 I preferred. Also owning 2 UWA's seems unresourceful xD
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Seems to me that although you want to change the d750 due to shutter count, it's the d3s that's causing more issues for your whole kit situation.
Your concerned about the resolution and keen for some crop factor.

Sell both and get d810 and d500, job done. :)

Also... when I used d800 and cropped for wildlife shots, I hated it. It just didn't feel right. The pics were good quality wise, but it's not using the right tool for the job, even though it can in theory do it, in practice it didn't work for me.
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Seems to me that although you want to change the d750 due to shutter count, it's the d3s that's causing more issues for your whole kit situation.
Your concerned about the resolution and keen for some crop factor.

Sell both and get d810 and d500, job done. :)

Curve ball - maybe you've just told me what I didn't want to hear :D
Think carefully before you sell your D3S!
There's something lovely about the rendering of the D3 - I might just graft a bit more, save and get the D810/D3s/D500 combo that way I can mix and match depending on the situation. (or in other words carry everything with me all the time.... xD)
Think carefully before you sell your D3S!

It's not something I intend on doing really, its an absolute weapon and with it being like new and only 60k on the clock think its got a SHED load more usage left for me.
Get a cheap 2nd hand 7200 for the crop and to help slow down the shutter count on the d750, then sell both of the 7's if and when the time feels right to do so.
Good suggestion actually, never mentioned this initially and please don't think I am disregarding your suggestion, but I am wanting to move in the direction of the controls/layout of the D810/D500 as it feels much more natural to use (esp. when in conjunction with the D3)
After owning the D750 (3 times) and currently have the D810 and D500 (only for only a couple of weeks), if I had to choose one it would be the D810 for me, it's such a versatile camera and has a much better AF I believe over the older D800/E and for me the D750 in group mode, and it's a lot quieter. It has a similar AF/Processor to the D4S, so is no slouch. Have a look at this > https://photographylife.com/reviews/nikon-d810/4

The D500 seems awesome for the AF speed but as I don't do a hell of a lot of BIF, mostly ground or perched, which the D810 copes with no problems, and BIF when I have used it, so I'm not sure if it's a wise purchase after owning the D810, it's still early days yet though. Perhaps a D7200 would have been okay, but GAS is a problems;)
After owning the D750 (3 times) and currently have the D810 and D500 (only for only a couple of weeks), if I had to choose one it would be the D810 for me, it's such a versatile camera and has a much better AF I believe over the older D800/E and for me the D750 in group mode, and it's a lot quieter. It has a similar AF/Processor to the D4S, so is no slouch. Have a look at this > https://photographylife.com/reviews/nikon-d810/4

The D500 seems awesome for the AF speed but as I don't do a hell of a lot of BIF, mostly ground or perched, which the D810 copes with no problems, and BIF when I have used it, so I'm not sure if it's a wise purchase after owning the D810, it's still early days yet though. Perhaps a D7200 would have been okay, but GAS is a problems;)
Surprised you rate the AF of the D810 better than the D750 with the D750 having a later module.
Surprised you rate the AF of the D810 better than the D750 with the D750 having a later module.

Is it different hardware or just a newer software based way of focusing down to -3EV instead of -2EV? From what I have read, for all intents and purposed, unless shooting in pitch black, the D810 matches, or in some reports, betters the AF on the D750. In most real world usage I'm sure it would be negligible.

I think the way in which the D810's hold their value, it is probably a good idea to go down that route. At least for now I have no experience with the D500 so don't know what I am missing, but I have got a high resolution FF that would be swapped out - which I may miss.

I may shop around and unless an absolute steal comes around, hold off until Nikon announce their anniversary body/"D900"

Great input people, thanks :D
We have 2 x D810's and 2 x D750 I have always felt the a.f on the D750's was better.

I thought I read some where recently that Nikon have stopped production of the D810 now which would probably mean there is a replacement due quite soon. Might be worth hanging of for a couple of months.
We have 2 x D810's and 2 x D750 I have always felt the a.f on the D750's was better.

I thought I read some where recently that Nikon have stopped production of the D810 now which would probably mean there is a replacement due quite soon. Might be worth hanging of for a couple of months.

Superb, I wonder if the stuff I have been reading has been written by people that don't want to let the 'lesser' camera have better AF and are blinded by the fact. In either case - real world experience is what counts and coming from someone who owns both gives a pretty substantial claim.

Thanks for the info.

im getting sick to death of these gray days and early nights. Roll on spring... and the motorsport season.
Is it different hardware or just a newer software based way of focusing down to -3EV instead of -2EV? From what I have read, for all intents and purposed, unless shooting in pitch black, the D810 matches, or in some reports, betters the AF on the D750. In most real world usage I'm sure it would be negligible.

I think the way in which the D810's hold their value, it is probably a good idea to go down that route. At least for now I have no experience with the D500 so don't know what I am missing, but I have got a high resolution FF that would be swapped out - which I may miss.

I may shop around and unless an absolute steal comes around, hold off until Nikon announce their anniversary body/"D900"

Great input people, thanks :D
Newer module I believe multicam 3500FX II vs 3500FX. Either way both are great (y)
Surprised you rate the AF of the D810 better than the D750 with the D750 having a later module.

Always have Toby, since I changed bodies........ As probably 90% of my photography is small wildlife (birds) I have found the D810 holds lock and continues to hold lock better than the D750 for Group AF and single point, perhaps the D750 acquires lock a smudge quicker, but for me the D810 is better overall. This is in AFC mode, using BBF.........This was the same across all three D750 bodies, from the very early release one, to the last one I purchased around this time last year.

For larger objects perhaps the D750 doesn't show this so much, but it used to annoy me at times along with that noisy shutter.

Like you mentioned, all excellent cameras, but I was in a lucky position to purchase the D810 and I'm glad I did, to cure the GAS for the time being;)

As you can probably tell, the bane of my existence.

Funnily, I work away and as much as I LOVE to use my gear and take up every opportunity to do so, I rarely get chance to outside of motorsport season/summer half of the year. Like heroin I am simply scratching an itch that will not go away...

I brought the D750 and 14-24 along with me but I am mostly concerned how delicate the 14-24 is... I have been too busy to get her out really just yet but hoping to get some good snaps before I demob.

This D810 is looking good, April is only a couple of months away and I'm not going to make or break my career by getting an itch finger and pulling the trigger on a D810 (unless the price is right) so will hold off. But still... the question remains which route to go down.

And the answer I can find only by consoling myself...

Ahh well, back to sh!te nift...

As you can probably tell, the bane of my existence.

Funnily, I work away and as much as I LOVE to use my gear and take up every opportunity to do so, I rarely get chance to outside of motorsport season/summer half of the year. Like heroin I am simply scratching an itch that will not go away...

I brought the D750 and 14-24 along with me but I am mostly concerned how delicate the 14-24 is... I have been too busy to get her out really just yet but hoping to get some good snaps before I demob.

This D810 is looking good, April is only a couple of months away and I'm not going to make or break my career by getting an itch finger and pulling the trigger on a D810 (unless the price is right) so will hold off. But still... the question remains which route to go down.

And the answer I can find only by consoling myself...

Ahh well, back to sh!te nift...

Furthermore - I may "have" to invest in a MFT system that will fit in a peli 1200 for my trips away.... Never ending problem. My names Earl and I have GAS.
I've decided to go for the D500 as my lens set up is more DX than FX at the wide end and would cost more than I want to spend right now to change some lenses. The £400 or so saving over the D810 can go towards a new/used lens.
I've decided to go for the D500 as my lens set up is more DX than FX at the wide end and would cost more than I want to spend right now to change some lenses. The £400 or so saving over the D810 can go towards a new/used lens.

If I didn't own the 14-24 2.8 it would be much simpler for me also. Everything from 24mm upwards (other than the occasional product shot) the DR and resolution of the D3 is more than sufficient.