D90 + RF-603 but which flashes?

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I've done some searching but haven't really been able to find anything definate - I'm just after some options on what flashes people would recommend to use with my D90. I already have a SB-600 but I want some more to use off camera. It's not going to be very often so looked at the RF-603 triggers etc and want some cheap(ish) flashes - would a couple of Nikon SB-28 be an alright option? Are there any other alternatives people use with a similar setup? Also, if you use anything similar, do you get any problems? I really fancy getting into skate photography, does anyone think they would be powerful enough etc?

Thanks in advance, sorry for all the questions!
Hi Paul, and welcome to TP :)

Definitely keep the SB600 - great flash for on-camera, TTL-based shooting.

SB28s are brilliant flashes; tough, powerful and very easy to use thanks to fairly chunky buttons and a clear LCD. I have two that see regular service off-camera alongside two SB800s and I couldn't be happier with them.

I picked one up in the TP classifieds recently for £55, so they can be had for reasonable money. I'd point you to the classifieds now, as there's an SB24 for sale, but you need more posts to use that section. :)

The SB24/25/26 are well regarded, although they're not as nice to use as the newer SB28/28DX/80 because they rely on a sliding mode selector and have smaller buttons. They work brilliantly, but I'd always try to get the newer flashes first.

If you can;'t find a decent SB28, don't pay over the odds for a mediocre one; £60-70 should see you get a good copy off fleabay. Most second hand shops have them for going on £100, which is a lot of money, especially if you're just paying for the luxury of a box and a soft case..... the flash will probably get bashed around and I don't think about resale; it's a tool for a job.

If you have no joy with older Nikon speedlights, try the Yongnuo flashes that you can get new for as little as £30 off fleabay. There are tons of different models but what you need is one with a decent power output, has manual mode (I think most have this) and has a wide range of power option (1/1 - 1/16th probably).... there will be one that fits this bill :)

Also, go on strobist, as there may be info on there about the flashes coming out of China, and the strobist flickr group might have info. On the flickr group, be warned; they can be a funny bunch if you ask 'noob' questions and will probably - and quite harshly - tell you that you should have used the search option before posting... a few of the vocal Yanks on there like to think they own the idea of using flashes off-camera and they can be punishers!! ;)

There are some good guys on here who'll lend a hand I'm sure through the course of the day; I'd give you more advice but it's way to early for my brain to function and I am just trying to wake up before I head to a shoot!! :LOL:
Excellent, thanks a lot for the advice - nice to know I was already looking in the right direction! I wish I could get in the classifieds, I actually bought both my D90 and sb600 from there before they raised the required post count. It's a pain because I mainly just browse on here for info, I dont see the point in posting for posting sake just to get my count up - that just spoils it for everyone.

I'll keep an eye on eBay, perhaps do some more digging on the yongnuo flashes too.
Pat has pretty much nailed it, I'd say look out for the SB25 as it tends to be cheaper than either the 24 or 26, for no other reason than David Hobby missed it out when posting his buying advice on Strobist, although the 26 (my favourite) has an optical slave which can be useful.
Pat has pretty much nailed it, I'd say look out for the SB25 as it tends to be cheaper than either the 24 or 26, for no other reason than David Hobby missed it out when posting his buying advice on Strobist, although the 26 (my favourite) has an optical slave which can be useful.

FiTP - does that mean it will fire off a main flash (SB00 on a d300) without needing a wireless trigger? if so which others of the older SBxx's have this?

think I've just found the answer - SB26 appears to be the only SBxx with the optical slave function (which means the answer to my first question is 'Yes'!). Happy days.