D90 Upgrade

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ive had a quick search through the archives and couldn't find an answer.

I've had a D90 for quite a few years now and it has served me well but I would like to get something with better low light capability. In an ideal world I would go for a D750 since most of my other cameras are 35mm film and just having full frame cameras would allow me to streamline my lenses but due to monetary constraints it simply isn't possible at the moment.

So what is the logical DX upgrade on the secondhand market from the D90?

Yeah, budget is all with these scenarios. We could suggest looking out for a used D800, I've seen them go for very reasonable prices. But if that is still out of reach, maybe just stick to DX, the D7100 is the most logical upgrade to a D90. You'll be already familiar with the layout, but you're getting better image quality and much better ISO performance. You can find those new for less than a used FX body
As above really depends on your budget but I moved from D90 to D750 and the difference in low light is hugh.
Depends on budget. Years ago I went from a D90 to a D700 and the difference was astounding, D700s are cheap nowadays and a total bargain.
D300 would be £200 or so and that would be a better camera, although not necessarily better for low light. Obvious choice for me would be D700, still a great camera, much better at low light than a D90 and from memory, £400 used?
d610 / d750.

or a d7100 used and wait to see what new offering Nikon release in the next generation.

I suspect everyone will shut up about the d750 when its successor is released.
Budget I suppose around the £400 mark, I can see the secondhand full frame seems the obvious route but what I'm wondering is what is the equivalent in the last few years of the D90.
Budget I suppose around the £400 mark, I can see the secondhand full frame seems the obvious route but what I'm wondering is what is the equivalent in the last few years of the D90.

There is none. The whole d7000 range is a higher class of camera than the d90. The d90 line died with the d90.
The D7000 is the direct successor to the D90. The best value is going to be a used D7100 - that's where they really nailed it, the 7200 didn't bring much more to the table apart from wireless, and higher native ISO range. I would go for a D7100 over a D700 tbh. As great as the D700 was, the more up to date DX cameras have better image quality and ISO capabilities.

I went from the D90 to the D800E when it first came out and was blown away, but since then I honestly think the newer D7XXX cameras are much more of a match for the FX bodies than previous eras.
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The D7000 is the direct successor to the D90.

It isn't though. The 7000 is a higher class of camera and they killed off the d90 line. It is not a direct successor.

I own a d90 and d7000 they are worlds appart
It isn't though. The 7000 is a higher class of camera and they killed off the d90 line. It is not a direct successor.

I own a d90 and d7000 they are worlds appart

Well, it kind of is. Of course it's better in every way, I mean the D90 was plastic and not weather sealed to begin with. The D7000 range are mag alloy, weather sealed and have much more advanced processor and sensor. But I would call it the successor because it killed off that line.

To the OP specifics shouldn't matter, he asked what was the next logical step from a D90, and the D7XXX range is just that, if you can't manage the leap to FX
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I'd go for a D700. Full frame, cracking camera, from £300 on fleabay, and a huge step up from a D90.
You will have to pry my D700 out of my cold dead hands. It really is that good, especially for the silly money they can be picked up for now.
Although, it isn't the natural successor to the D90, but who cares !!
Thanks for your guidance folks, much appreciated. This has at least pointed me in the right direction now I just need to find the cash.
I've recently upgraded from the d80 to d7000. Small fry budget (I'm relation to what you could spend) but it is a massive improvement for me. Plus the dx range controls will be very familiar to you.

If I had the money I would have went d7100 , but I didn't. But I'm delighted with my purchase!
I went from d90 to d7000..... I loved that camera!!! Hated the d7100 ..... loved the d7200 with the sigma art 18-35....1.8 lens! Now shoot with d600 and d700 and love them both
A D700 or D600/D610 would be ideal if you already have FX lenses. If not, it could get quite expensive.

Other than that a D7xxx will tick the boxes nicely and feel very familiar.
I "upgraded" from a D90 to a D7000. Worst photographic mistake ever. The only good thing about the 7000 was a slight improvement in handling and switchery. I ended up selling it and my DX lenses.
I bought a D700 on a whim last year (I had a couple of FX lenses left over) and now couldn't be happier. Better in every way then the D7000, apart from the weight/size increase and the CF cards but if you're going to carry a DSLR might as well carry a good one.
I re bought a D90 recently out of interest to compare - I had very fond memories of it. But I'm afraid I've been spoilt by the D700 and would not consider going backwards now. Just the viewfinder alone is a great reason to upgrade, as well as the handling improvements. And the IQ is superb.
Summary: try a D700.
Worth checking the buffer size and clearing rates as the d7000 was poor and a few others of the newer ones aren't much better.
I had a D700 at launch , must be 10 years ago or close to it , my daughter had a birthday party , I was dismayed to see a very dark room as I didn't want to use flash so I put the ISO on auto and snapped away

I was blown away by the results at the time , a vast improvement on the D300 which the D90 is a cut down version of , I very much doubt you'll be disappointed with one , it's a big leap from the D90 with £100 left over for a 50mm 1.8 if you haven't already got one
I upgraded from the Nikon D90 to the D7200 and I am really happy with the quality this camera..never looked back and my images have improved also..