Daddy and Son Super Nerfiness

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Shot with the pure intent of creating a composite believe it or not for my wifes custom birthday card! Lighting comprises of Three Lencarta elitepro600, gridded softbox left and right for rim with a socked 70cm beauty dish as key. Canon 5DMkIII with 85mm 1.2L. Camera was on a tripod and tethered to a laptop, my son and I took it turns shooting each other, each subject was shot separately and brought together in post. Total processing time in photoshop about 2 hours. For a bit of fun but C&C welcome.

Daddy and Son Super Nerfiness by Marcus Charter, on Flickr
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So well executed and so funny - but it may scare your wife :eek:
awesome, and a load of fun to do, I bet!! :) Has your son been giving you lessons for long ;) ? lol
That's brilliant. How the f... Do you do that in 2 hrs?

It'd take me a week, and it'd still look like I'd taken 2 mins.

I doff my cap Sir.
Love it.

Although this would defo be one for "show us how you did it"
Stunning and professional :)
Great Picture :D


very cool!




So well executed and so funny - but it may scare your wife :eek:

It's alright she has to put up with this kind of crazy stuff quite often!

Cheers dude!

awesome, and a load of fun to do, I bet!! :) Has your son been giving you lessons for long ;) ? lol

He has taught me everything I know....

Dude... most awesomeness! :)

Thank you!

That's brilliant. How the f... Do you do that in 2 hrs?

It'd take me a week, and it'd still look like I'd taken 2 mins.

I doff my cap Sir.

Thanks Phil. I though it would take me longer but just got on with it and here we are. The mask in places was a bit rough and ready but seems good enough for the intended use, if for a client would have spent a little longer taking a bit more care.

Love it.

Although this would defo be one for "show us how you did it"

Thanks. On a basic level its's...

Shoot --> Liquify/Retouch --> Mask --> Grit --> Insert stock backround --> Draw hair edges --> Match colour and lighting levels --> Add Smoke --> Add light flares --> Texture foregroud/background --> Dodge and Burn --> Cinematic type colour --> Sharpen

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Brilliant. I'm with Phil - I also doff one of my many hats to you Sir!!

Thanks Sir SR!

Stunning and professional :)

Thank you!