Daddy's Girl

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A self portrait given the duotone treatment (I'm the one on the left)...

great expression onthe little girls face
Hey , you never told me you were Frasier ;) Lovely girl :)
Lovely shot. The vignette is a bit sudden though. If you could get a more gradual fade and less dark it would be loads better. Definitely a keeper though that one. (y)
CT said:
Lovely shot. The vignette is a bit sudden though. If you could get a more gradual fade and less dark it would be loads better. Definitely a keeper though that one. (y)

Aye, with it being so sudden, I feel I'm peeping at you through a keyhole.
Definately a keeper though.
Marcel said:
Aye, with it being so sudden, I feel I'm peeping at you through a keyhole.

That was actually my intention but it does look too dark.
It wasn't a fade out as such, it was a solid black layer.

I'm going to try a white layer too or just darken the original circumference of the shot instead of using a solid background.
I wanted the eyes to be drawn towards the facial contact.

Off to have another play.
Bachs said:
That was actually my intention

Ahh, gotcha, then it certainly worked (y)
Looking at it, you have quite a distinctive definition on the left hand side, which defines the circular 'peephole' as it were, but on the right, behind and above baby's head, the definition and shape of the hole is 'lost', which I think loses it a bit.
Good to see something different Bachs ... although it looks like you got a wire in your ear ... hearing aid ? :LOL:

Nice one though ... & TFS ...
The wire in my ear was where I had been trying to heal the flashburn.
I've now softened up the transition on the vignette a little.
Not much I could do about the dark area behind the baby's head as it was dark on the original and didn't want to tinker too much.

Time to stand back and leave it alone.
Bachs said:
Time to stand back and leave it alone.

How right you are, sometimes, things are just better as they are :)
A fantastic shot and worthy post processing, I was merely being a bit picky for picky's sake :)
Pick away :)
Thats how I've learned so much in my time here.
Sometimes I just don't see it, others I'm being lazy and should know what's coming.

Overstep the mark though and I'll have Matty change your title under your Avatar to a girlies' name :naughty:
Bachs said:
Overstep the mark though and I'll have Matty change your title under your Avatar to a girlies' name :naughty:

You mean to match the girlies name I've got ABOVE my avatar? That would be neat :p
such a delicious little girl! I love the way she is trying to focus on you! How about using a lighting effect in PS? The torchlight one gives a lovely soft vignette and you can lessen the effect by going to image/lessen lighten effect and adjusting the sliders.
Marianne said:
such a delicious little girl! I love the way she is trying to focus on you! How about using a lighting effect in PS? The torchlight one gives a lovely soft vignette and you can lessen the effect by going to image/lessen lighten effect and adjusting the sliders.

Thats a great idea Marianne (y)

I've used that technique in the past to great effect but had forgot about it.
Great shot there, love the eye contact from your girl, think a white surround will be better due to being less harsh against the subjects.

Lovely image but just you wait . . . I have a 40yr old who still tries the "Daaaaady" when she wants something!