Dad's birthday cake

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It's my dad's birthday today and I decided to bake him a cake... found a picture on the internet and copied it... "it doesn't look that hard, shouldn't take too long" I said to mum, hmm famous last words!!! :shrug:

Started off with baking a cake in a pyrex dish, chopping it in half and adding jam, then covering with icing-

Everyone thought it was going to be an iglu cake :cautious:

4 hours later it looked a bit like this,

Any ideas yet?

Another 6 hours after that and a very late night, it was finally finished, quite proud of it myself and dad absolutely LOVED it :)


Almost seems a shame to cut it later :(
I really like that, well done :) what are the players made with?
The players are made from sugar paste icing, you can buy it pre-coloured or buy white and mix your own colours (I mixed up the hair colours and the skin colour).

Cheers... didn't really know how to make them have shorter hair and it was 11pm so gave them all long hair haha by that point I'd lost the will to live ;)
My Dad was a stickler for short hair, but wouldn't hear a bad word against J P R Williams & Co on the telly on a Saturday afternoon (back in the 1970s).

Would much prefer marzipan to icing, but it's a lovely gesture and I can imagine the ol' boy's eyes moistened, just a little. (y)
Lovely - well done, I know from experience these novelty cakes are not easy. I bet he loved it -(y) hope he wasn't calorie counting!!!