Daft, Doggy or Dangerous ?

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Well it's another exiting Saturday afternoon. Just looking for a good reason NOT to go do the weekly shop :(

So, what is the most Daft, Doggy or down right Dangerous position you've ever taken a photo from :thinking:

This one was a couple of years ago, we were installing a new ride at work and I was at a bit of a loose end one day. So I took the 25 metre Cherry Picker for a drive around the car park, purely in the interest of art you understand! This was taken at a full 25 metres hight and I must admit the superstructure wasn't the only thing that was squeaking :puke:

Can't wait for the doggy ones ;)

I couldn't go up 25m, you're a brave man! :p
Try standing on the edge of the grand canyon :)

Guaranteed you will hear wives calling to husbands.....'don't go near the edge!'
And husbands thinking to their mother in laws "Just one more step closer" :D