Damsel (with food) and a shield bug

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Very nice Les.
Pure accident i can assure you i would not do that i found it in some of my old pics as i was re editing and as i do remember taking some of these catching nymphs i thought it was mine i must have copied it to get exif etc and just didn't delete it so sorry for this it was not intentional , Surprised at you though Ryan you could have contacted me we have known each other for a long time never thought you would stir it up for me like this thanks a bunch mate i even posted it to a site where you are admin do you seriously think i would do that knowing that it was your pic and with your name on the exif
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I am not trying to stir Les, with a file name like that the image had to be taken from Flickr where the exif is already available to see and you haven't commented on/liked any of the threads out there where I have posted this image before.
I have many times in the past downloaded another's image to edit it (providing they have Edit my images set to Yes) but I always delete it after I have posted it for them to see. Storing someone's photo for long periods and forgetting who's it was is a sure fire way to get into this predicament.
Maybe you didn't do it intentionally but I have been hyper vigilant about my images recently after a couple local businesses began using some of my shots without permission in the last few months. Adding to that I think the fact I have known you from the web for a long time might have added to my response as I frankly felt a little betrayed. Yes I could have contacted you first but I was a bit irate this morning, might have cooled off a bit now but what happened still isn't acceptable and I have to notice the sad lack of an apology in your response.
Following a staff meeting it was agreed
1 day off for NOT removing the image
1 day off for no apology to Ryan
1 day off for we (TP) are complicit in a copyright breach.
So a total of 3 days
This is quite generous of you, Chris. We took a bit harder line on it over on t'other forum.
Thanks Roger. TBH I hate banning people permanently
especially if there is an element of doubt ( ie the claim that it was a genuine error ) .
But its only a one time offer.
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