Dancing City

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These are two of the photos I got of English National Ballet dancers at the Dancing City event at Canary Wharf on Saturday. It was very dark in that particular location and I didn't want to blind them with my onboard flash so I cranked up the ISO to 1600. Which means that they're a bit noisy and just off-focus, but I like them all the same. Hope you do, too.:)

nice shots I love the bottom one, I find the nipple distracting on the top shot though :LOL:, would of been tempted to clone him out also the head on her opposite shoulder and the lighter coloured thing coming out of her head, its a striking pose and needs a clean background imo
Thanks, Pete. I wanted to give some context by leaving him in, and one of the audience. I tried blurring and desaturating the lighter parts using an Adjustment brush in Lightroom, but it didn't work as well as I'd hoped. Lesson learnt. Still, it's getting a fair few views on Flickr, though...
You did well at 1600 with ambient light there, Garry. In most instances I prefer natural lighting over flash that kills atmosphere.

Elegant pose and I have to agree that the background dude is a distraction, although under the circumstances that should be accepted.