Dark chocolate Bounty

Good point! I like Bounty and prefer dark chocolate, although generally only buy stuff llike this that's on offer.
I've just bought a white chocolate Snickers bar but need to find out if its gluten free before its tried out.
Anything chocolate ...........................YUK :puke:
Sadly the mass produced 'vegelate' produced in the UK is s***e.

Cadbury and Nestlé is not palatable just cak these days.

I do like darker (plain) chocolate and the red wrapper Bounty was once a favourite but the last time I had one it tasted bland (2 years ago).

These days I stick to the very strong dark Lindt chocolate or, at a push, the Aldi dark chocolate.

It seems to take ages to finish a bar of the dark chocolate off!
Anything chocolate ...........................YUK :puke:

I am the same with fish... slight difference is that fish and shell fish is deadly for me [emoji853]
Not a great lover of chocolate but every couple of months I do enjoy a dark chocolate bounty with a glass of cold milk. My wife prefers her half of the packet with a coffee, but hey-ho

Can't beat a Frys Peppermint Cream with a cup of tea. Is it me or does the dark chocolate bring out the flavour of the tea or coffee? Anyone remember the Pyramint?