Dark Side

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My photo's are so usually full of colour, but sometimes life gives you something a bit darker to deal with.

I would really appreciate helpful comments (please don't be just horrible) I am in two minds on this photo as this is a representation of my raw feelings but I don't know if it is any good??
Could you post a bigger version please, this is really hard to see and appreciate properly :)
Much better, the best way is to copy and paste the IMG tags in Photobucket (normally found under the photo).

Really like the shot, it's moody, has some drama, and is well processed. The bottom left is perhaps a bit too dark, but that's minor.
Must echo what Defiance said - love the shot & quite dramatic.
very moody,what process did you use?
I like it :)

It's a good composition which is one of the first things that struck me, my eye natually followed the diagonal of the clouds and you have matched that with the diagonal light of the flash. Then the rocks are obviously vertical so it pulls the eye to where the diagonal and vertical meet which is also where the majority of the light is. And that is pretty much on a 1/3 too so it all comes together at just the right point. It makes it all work.
Thank you for all your comments, it was a picture that I had "tried to rescue" by creating extra blending layers followed by a gradient.
Great picture but for me a bit too dark in the corners but saying that it could also spoil it if you brought the light levels up. Could be my monitor.

Where was it took?
its niiiice i like
Great mood and very dramatic. I like it. The corners are dark, but there seems to be a current vogue for this anyway and many will like that. Do I detect a slight halo around the rocks, probably caused by darkening the highlights or boosting contrast a little too much. I achieve that in many of my own pictures, too! Nevertheless, in my eyes it's still a very sucessful image and one to be proud of. Not too horrible, was I? :D
this is a great image in my eyes.soo much mood and atmosphere in it very well done
Have to agree its a nice moody image. can't help thinking it just needs a villain heading out on the lighted path :)
Thanks for all your comments they have been so usefull and what lovely constuctive people you are.

Asgard, the picture was taken on the moors above Hebden Bridge, I don't think you are so far away

Karlos yes you are right.

Goldenlight you have spotted all my problems with this picture, but you have been a true Gentleman in your reply : ) Thank you so very much.

Thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.