Darkroom Experiment - The Conta-gram


Sir, my fingers are stuck together
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Hi gang :)

Had a productive darkroom session yesterday with one of my mates, we started out doing some wet prints, but the paper we were using had expired and wasnt suitable for good prints. We then had the idea of doing some rayograms which then morphed into contact print and rayogram combinations we dubbed Conta-grams :D

Here are a few of them

1) First attempt

Conta-gram by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

2) Another crack at it

Conta-Gram 3 by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

3) The final product

Conta-gram 2 by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

Technical details - Ilford Grade 5 paper 8x10 inches
Mulitigrade paper dev
Scanned on V500 at 1600dpi

Enjoy :)
I'm not sure that I understand what's going on here, my guess is that you've blocked out areas of the paper when developing which is and interesting idea (y) but I have no idea if I'm even on the right train of though :help:

Absolutely right :) the camera blocked the light from hitting the paper and stopped it from being exposed and turning dark :)
We're doing these in uni at the moment! I believe they're also called Photograms :)

I bought an old box of black and white paper today and did one to test the paper was okay :) They are really fun to do. But at uni we're discussing if they're actually photographs since they weren't taken with a camera. I'd love to hear you views on it?

Yes, they are called photograms or Rayograms :)

I don't think they are photographs per se, as they dont involve a camera in the traditional sense but they are definitely related to them :)
A Photograph is a picture made with light, no camera necessary. (y)
Different, but that's good :) Looks like you had fun (y)

I was a bit bored of doing straight wet prints as i couldnt print my medium format due to some thieving scrote running off with the 6x7 holders, so i had to do something for my 52 :)
I actually really like these, they remind me of photograms in college. I love the idea of exposing over the contact sheets & placing the camera accordingly. Wonderful experiments!