Daughter in a bucket

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This is my first attempt to post a photo on here. My pictures generally don't get any further than Facebook, so I thought I'd try a more critical audience! I took this pic of my 18-month old daughter yesterday. My pp skills are mostly non-existent, so barring a small crop, this is exactly as it came out of the camera.

I know it's wonky, but have avoided correcting the horizon (shed!) on the basis I can't do it without detracting from the subject...

Any feedback much appreciated.


Great capture, but there's just too much busy stuff in the background (even closing the door and moving the ball would have helped)
I'd be tempted to get her back in the bucket with a nicer background and it's such a nice moment, I'd try and learn some basic processing which would lift the shot a lot
Well worth a re-visit, but still made me chuckle
She's got an expression that says ... will you stop faffing about with that camera and get me out of here. :LOL:
Yep! Then when the camera had been put away I couldn't get her out of the thing!