Day of Action

Fred Dawson LRPS
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Day of action by Fred Dawson, on Flickr

The day of action organised by the TUC against changes to civil service pensions provided a great opportunity for some street photography.
I took up position on a traffic island in the centre of the Strand in London. People were only too happy to have the pictures taken.

I used a Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM zoom lens on my Canon 40 D to try and pick out individual faces and blur the background.

The light was not too good so I set the ISO to 800 and the image in this post was shot at 115 mm, f/4.5 1/200 sec.

The march was very good natured with a very heavy police presence; but it is a very good idea to keep aware of your environment because things can change very quickly.

Link to video
I agree. Great shot. Perfect DOF. The chap stands out really well.