Dead 450D!

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I was shooting some birds in the garden when all of a sudden a message appeared saying my memory card wasn't formatted.
I tried a different card and same error.
Tried to format a new card and the progress bar came up but made no progress.
I turned the camera off while it was stuck on that screen and it wouldn't turn on again.
I disconnected the batteries for a few seconds and popped them back in and it started and appeared my memory card was now back to normal with the photos on.
I started to erase some photos when the screen went all black again.
Now it won't turn on again, even after disconnecting the batteries and taking the card out.

Any ideas or has my hobby come to a rather abrupt end? :shake:
Have you tried a freshly-charged battery, just in case that is the culprit?

Yeah i've tried the genuine canon battery that i charged just last night. I did have two cheapo batteries in a battery grip. I've removed the grip incase it was that too.
I really can't think of anything else :thinking:
can you see if any of the pins look bent?
can you see if any of the pins look bent?

They look straight but one of the end pins looks like it's more protruding than the other two. I'm not sure if this is normal by design. Maybe another 450D owner could verify?
try removing the main battery and the small CR-2 type battery for 30 minutes then put them back in making sure the battery is fully charged, you'll lose any custom functions you put in the memory though, also try a different lens if you have one
They look straight but one of the end pins looks like it's more protruding than the other two. I'm not sure if this is normal by design. Maybe another 450D owner could verify?

I've just noticed 1 pin sticks out further on the charger too so its obviously by design.
Looks like this needs to go back to Canon. It's in warranty but only problem is i bought the 18-55mm kit and i've sold the kit lens on. Does this mean i'm screwed or do you think they'll take the body and look at it? :bonk:
I've just noticed 1 pin sticks out further on the charger too so its obviously by design.

The cf card slot pins and they shouldn't need the kit lens as the fault appears to be with the body. Don't mention it to them, just pack the body well.
Yea I'd agree, they wouldnt care about the kit lens - just send the body along, worst part is they take forever to do it so no camera for a while :(
Thanks for your help everyone. It's still dead so i'll phone Canon on Tuesday. Don't suppose i'd have much luck over a bank holiday weekend.
Do they really take a long time on returns?
Well eBuyer arent known to be too wonderful, but probably worth going to them first as I have heard stories of Canon refusing it because the retailer are meant to deal with it first or something similar.
OK. My only concern is that eBuyer will ask for the whole package back, and oh bugger - no kit lens :puke:
I don't think that will be an issue, worst comes to the worst you'll need to buy another lens before sending it all back
I just came in after being out all day. Stuck the same battery and memory card in, turned it on and it fired up no problem. WTF?
Warranty is good until July so i'm going to put it through it's paces and make sure it's tip top.
I wonder what the hell was up with it? :thinking:
Please could somebody with a 450D tell me what happens on their camera when you turn it on with no memory card in it. Does it not turn on or does the screen say 'no card'? (Just filling out a fault report and i'm sure mine used to say 'no card' before, but now it is blank so just want to check).

It's died again (twice) since my last post so is going back for repair :puke:
Please could somebody with a 450D tell me what happens on their camera when you turn it on with no memory card in it. Does it not turn on or does the screen say 'no card'?

Just tried mine and it reads 'No card' when turned on, hth.