Death Row

love the 2nd photo,well found shot:clap:
Love the last one, it's very well composed! Shame there wasn't better light in the second, as that could have been very striking. ;)
Love the last one, it's very well composed! Shame there wasn't better light in the second, as that could have been very striking. ;)

Yes, was very happy with composition on No2.
May revisit with pod and think using some filters would help too.

Cheers all
Liking them all but especially the 2nd. Very striking image and the pov is very good, might be worth a gloomy b&w conversion as well.

Liking them all but especially the 2nd. Very striking image and the pov is very good, might be worth a gloomy b&w conversion as well.


Cheers Andy.
Did have a play with B&W, but wasn't too taken with it.

"and the pov is very good" - pov ??
Point of view =pov

Well impressed, an interesting set and I too have a preference for #2. #3 might be better in either very early or very late light? (y)

Cheers Tina

Thanks for comments.
No 3 was just an opportunist catch (with 70-200) from quick visit to Lake District, so don't think I'll have opportunity to have a second take.
Would have been much better with the wider lens.
Nice to hear you like them Mark.
Car doesn't bother me, but would may be a distraction for others.
Interesting. No 2 for me. Unusual angle and works very nicely. Good work. I tride to photography necropolis with various effects. I like yours more than mine :)
Great title :D and great set of images.
#2 is a stunning shot. It's like a hand 'welcoming' the living in.

When I first looked at this shot, I didn't have the full picture on my monitor and the bottom right corner (as you look at it) looked cropped and I feel it added to the picture and married up with the other corner, if you know what I mean..)

#4 is a nice shot as well, really well spotted framing.

These are the picture opportunities I seem tio walk pass oblivious to what's there...:bonk:
No.2 has very good content. Well done.