Decent tripod legs recommendations.

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Hi everyone.

Basically I've got a 400 pound remaining credit note at WEX,from a recent trade I made there for a new lens.

The only thing I can think of that I'd benefit from is upgrading my current tripod legs,the Manfrotto 190CXPROB.
I'm more than happy with them 99% of the time,but there has been the odd occasion where a bit more height would have come in useful.
I'd like something lighter too ie Carbon legs if possible,but that's not a necessity.

Any help much appreciated.

Anything with Gitzo on it will be excellent for its class. Think carefully though, as there are loads of options and if you get the right one for you it will last forever.

If you're happy with the M'frotto 190, obvious upgrade is the 055 version - same design, but bigger.

Don't forget a quality head. WEX stock Arca-Swiss (y)
I bought a giottos ytl8384 set of legs and a giottos mh5001 3 way head.

Before I bought them I weighed my heaviest cameras with heaviest lens and made sure the head was capable of taking the weight and the legs were capable of supporting the head, camera and lens. I then allowed extra weight capability to make sure if I bought a longer lens/heavier lens/camera I wouldn't have to invest in a new tripod.

I have used them a couple of times and they are rock steady. If the wind is blowing I can hang the camera bag off the bottom to steady them.

Check out Manfrotto's 057 range I bought the MT057C4 from WEX and I am very impressed with it.
Regards Bob
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I was thinking along the same lines as you HOPPY with the 55 series.

Haven't heard much about the 57 series before you mentioned it Bob. I'll give those a look too :)