Decisions decision decisions

Neil Williams
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I’m on a short trip to Kuala Lumpur looking for a portrait lens for my New ZF. I already have the Z85:1.2 but I want to keep the ZF small and compact. I’ve been offered these 4 lenses for portraits to go with my Voitlander 50:1.0
What would the gang go for?

Leica M 90 APO £2160 need adapter
135 Zeiss £820 need canon to Z adapter
110 Voigtländer £800 already got adapter
100 Zeiss £540 already got adapter
If you have 50 & 85mm already and are keeping them, I'd look at 135mm, but 110mm as you've already got the adaptor.

Really depends on the use you want it for, personal taste and shooting style.

Good luck.
Gav, I will use the 85:1.2 on the Z9 so I have 50 plus??? My mate here in Malaysia is pushing me towards the Leica but then he’s a Leica fenatic
I bought the Leica instead. Love it on the Techart auto focus adapter
Nice one Neil. From what I’ve seen that Techart is really clever. Looking forward to seeing your results.