Delta 3200

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I think this was too expired to work properly, and I stupidly threw it in with some Tri-X and split the timing difference. Fortunately I shot it at 1600 so there was some light to work with. Mrs H likes it. "It looks like old film photos". :sigh:

Thinking it'll look quite nice as a matt print.

Canon EOS-1v, 50mm f/1.8, Expired Delta 3200 at 1600 & under-dev'd in DD-X by 1 minute.
I’ve never been a fan of grainy films but I like this. It’s got a caught in the act look.
The grain really works for this, nice
The last roll of Delta 3200 I shot, I rated at 800asa and pulled the development (7mins at 20 degrees in DD-X) and I quite liked how those turned out.

My preference is to just push HP5+ though. It looks great (as I know you've discovered yourself :) ) and better than the dedicated high speed B&W films.

This is a nice shot though and still works well with the grain.