Dess Waterfalls - Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire

great shots there Michael, you have got the milky water on the Dess falls spot on with great motion.
Last time i went there was a large log stuck on the falls which kind of spoiled the photos so it is goods to see it has been moved.

I was actually going to stop in past on Saturday but decided to leave it till another time.

the Potarch bridge is good too and you got some sun and blue sky :) , just that the foreground is a bit busy with sticks etc. i.e. the one on the right hand side intersecting with the bridge.

Hi Chris,

I remember from the meet at Meikle Wartle and seeing your photos of the falls complete with annoying branch ! It has moved and its perfect for photos. It was an overcast day and I was able to get shutter speeds of almost one sec without any filters.

I see your point on the Potarch shot. Dunno how I missed that one ! I should be able to clone it out and crop the right hand side...
Hi great location, i keep meaning to visit but yet to make it :bonk:

I think you have done well with the waterfall shots although i feel a little lift in the shadows would enhance both, #2 is almost blown at the base and i prefer the more natural look of the base in #1

I agree with Chris about the original bridge edit, the re-edit although now clean i think you may have crop'd too tight taking away the feel of the original

Yes Michael as Mike has said i think you have cropped to much off the right hand side, even though there is the branch on the first image i think it works better as it shows more of the bridge.

I am always the same, its not till i get home that i relaise there is something in the frame i wish i had moved or walk past etc..