Different flavours of Canon kit lenses

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I had a slightly unnerving experience the other day. A colleague's just bought a 600D, with the kit 18-55mm lens and a 55-250mm. We went out for a wander to talk about how to get away from shooting on auto and I was just about to explain that the later 18-55mm lenses were great because they had IS when I noticed..... his didn't.

Now I'm happy to be corrected, but I thought the earlier Canon cameras such as the 350 and 400D were provided with the 18-55 without IS, but the later bodies were provided with the 18-55mm lens with IS.

The brand new 18-55mm lens on his camera had the same pattern of ribbing on the zoom barrel as my IS version, but it look a lot cheaper finished - I was a bit surprised to be honest, as I'd presumed that they were made to a single quality etc.

Are there many examples of what appears to be 'feature stripping' going on in the lower rungs of the DSLR market? Curious if anyone else has noticed this sort of difference and if it's the kinda thing I should keep an eye out for when buying kit, especially second hand?

The non-IS kit zoom was continued on entry-level Canons for a long time, maybe it still is in some markets. Was this a bargain bundle?
My 350D certainly has the non IS 18-55, mind you it isn't a bad lens, this was shot with it.
I got a 550D with 18-55 IS kit lens for christmas 2010 and the IS lens was the standard then. Just looked on the Canon website and the headers for the 500D and 450D have IS lenses shown on them. Would be a good idea to check on the box for the contents list and also see if it mentions anything on the receipt.

Further from my look on the Canon website they have just placed the 550D in their archived products so it looks like they may be ready to stop making them soon (unless I missed it and they already have). They're a great camera for starting out with and I kept mine even after having a 7D and 5D2 combo and a 60D and 5D3 combo and only sold it after getting a 650D for the wife.
There was the original 18-55mm, followed by the 18-55mm II, after which the 18-55mm IS came out, which is better optically. In the last year or so Canon has replaced the IS version with an IS II model and the non-IS II with a new non-IS III. Canon have always offered kits with the IS or non-IS lens since the first IS model came out.
Canon currently make entry-level bodies without IS.

A prime example is the Canon 1100D
It comes as either (Well Black or Grey for a start);

Canon 1100D + 18-55mm III Lens
Canon 1100D + 18-55mm ISII Lens
There was the original 18-55mm, followed by the 18-55mm II, after which the 18-55mm IS came out, which is better optically. In the last year or so Canon has replaced the IS version with an IS II model and the non-IS II with a new non-IS III. Canon have always offered kits with the IS or non-IS lens since the first IS model came out.

And of course, not to forget the 18-55 USM which was a version of the original 18-55 but only sold with the Japanese Kiss Digital (300D) kits

There is an 18-55 USM II which i think came with the Japanese 350D/400D

Supposedly marginally better optically (maybe a greener grass kinda thing?)
Where did he get it from? I'd start there and see how it is being sold.