Dirty sensor processing pictures

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On my new (used) leica the sensor has some dirt, I havent seen it on the sensor, tried the blower still there. Assuming i cannot clean it I think I recall a way of processing the pictures with a 'sensor' picture that marks the areas of dirt.

Does anyone have any links on how to do this (UFRaw and Gimp atm) ?
just have the sensor cleaned is my advice- why wouldn't you?

I believe that my Canon DSLR had some scheme by which it would try to extract the effects of sensor dirt in processing. I am sure that you would have to process Raw files using DPP. However, as Les has said, the answer is to clean the sensor as the processed image is bound to be inferior. Generally dust is easy to remove (even a blower may be enough). However, pollen can be more stubborn so you will need the wet cleaning kit or pay for someone to do it for you.

My EOS 20D needed frequent wet cleaning. The later 5D2 which includes automated cleaning (vibration at switch-on/off) did not need any cleaning for about four years. My current 5D4 is just over 2 years old and has never needed cleaning yet.

I am heading back to the store to have it checked. However out of curiousity, I put on a second lens and did the same dirt sensor check and it was clean. So Whilst I am there I will ask them to check the lens they sold me too. I hope it isn't the lens, but we will find out tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice
get a loupe and check the sensor yourself. What I use


looking through loop to check sensor with shutter locked in the up position


With this you can easily see any dust spots directly and use swabs or arctic butterfly to remove the offending article. Blowing each time will make things worse.

obviously using the blower has disturbed more dust inside the camera body, so you may well keep getting dust on the sensor until all the loose dust has been removed. So you might well find it will take several cleanings to get rid of it all

Hope this helps, Yes I clean my own camera sensors, save time - money and not be without a camera while away
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