dlh's Photo 52 - Week 42 Secret

fits the bill nicely Darren... I didn't see the original but this works for me.

Thanks John. I overwrote the original when I reprocessed it so it will never see the light of day again.

VERY hi-key but works for this theme very well indeed ;)

Thanks Dade. It's not the greatest processing in the world but it worked for the purpose of the project.

I like this - I did see the original (didn't comment as I hadn't done my own yet) but find this much more striking. The pose works well for the theme in either version but the high-key treatment really makes it stand out. (y)

Maybe you should try a low-key version now while you are about it .... :LOL:

Thanks :) You almost tempted me to reshoot low key but think I'll save that for another week and another subject now.

I like the idea behind it too but it hurts my eyes a bit, im not one for high key stuff really.

Sorry Chris. I should have posted a warning to cover your eyes :) I'm not too keen myself on high key, but I thought it suited the theme.
Great idea and execution - just wanted about half a stop more detail.

I was about to try and catch up on everyone's 52s, but have just realised it's been two months since I last posted and the thought of trying to comment on 9 weeks worth of images has driven me to drink. Well a festive whisky or two :)

Apologies to everyone for not keeping this going to the bitter end, but real life is a puppy's mother sometimes.

Wishing you all a belated merry christmas and here's hoping to a happy and productive new year with a full 52 from all of us :)