dlh's Photo 52 - Week 42 Secret


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Greatest apologies to everyone for my disappearing after week 16. Whilst I fully intend to complete the remainder of the 52, I am not going to kick myself if I miss a week or two or three from now on. Life is just too short.

Similarly, doing a 13 week catchup is out of the question. So here I am invoking the rule which says "this is my 52 and I'll damned well do what I like with it".

So on to week 30 :D
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Whilst it may be easier to hold and less "look at me" when I'm out, this is my first attempt at anything other than snapping away with the GF1 I bought last week. The 20D has found a new home and I'm hoping my interests will be rekindled.

So this week's effort was something that immediately came to mind when I saw the topic earlier this evening. The ending of the greatest story ever told.

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Welcome back Darren.

That fits the bill perfectly (y)

Lovely colour, excellent depth of field, vignette draws you in. The candle just adds to the image to make it perfect.

You seem to have found your mojo.

I didn't recognise it as the end of the book, but the accompanying words sorted that out

I like the idea of reading a book by candle light

nicely exposed too, the finger highlighting the text work well

all round good job! :clap:
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Very good... the title of the chapter told me exactly what book it is. The lighting and feel work perfectly for me for this book. Excellent, and welcome back Darren.
Welcome back Darren (y)
I like the 'feel' of your image, the soft lighting from the candle has worked well, i also like the composition too, some nice detail to take one's eye around the image. It doesn't really say endings to me but then I haven't read that particular book. Good job all the same Iain
Great use of DOF and the glowing candle really sets everything off. One of my favourite of the week
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments. I think I got lucky with the idea and the quality of the image from the new camera has surprised me a lot. Just need to take some time to get to know how it works and what to avoid (it's more complicated than my DSLR was!).

Was ready to get electric sorted this evening until I found that what I was going to shoot was no longer there :bang: Currently browsing ebay for a drawing board to go back to.
Just need to take some time to get to know how it works and what to avoid (it's more complicated than my DSLR was!).

It looks like you've got to grips with it very well already IMO !
Lovely shot, well composed and very well lit. Great choice of reading material too (y)

(p.s. Sorry I'm late in commenting this week - been working away from home)
My one and only idea ended up a no-goer this week so I ended up manically searching for something vaguely related to Electric. Poor effort I'm afraid. Will try harder next week :)

*edit* as I snuck back in before any comments were left, I have replaced with something I'm far happier with. Hopefully noone will notice ;)

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I dunno... you should have left it :LOL:...

anyway... the image for electric works very well.. great use of DOF and the mono fits very nicely.
I dunno... you should have left it :LOL:...

anyway... the image for electric works very well.. great use of DOF and the mono fits very nicely.

I was beginning to think I'd made a mistake when noone was saying anything. I know I've submitted worse :shrug:

The mono is actually black and white in colour though (with a hint of gold on the pins) ;)
Nah... I don't know about anyone else, but everything is just so busy at the moment.. insanely so.

As for the mono, being colour... oops... I had another look, and yes... it is, but it still works really well
I was beginning to think I'd made a mistake when noone was saying anything. I know I've submitted worse :shrug: It takes me all week to get round the 52s - and I don't always get to everybody's every week. There's never enough time and I guess it's the same for most people. :)

The mono is actually black and white in colour though (with a hint of gold on the pins) ;)Black and white in colour makes perfect sense to me - I did one last year - a bottle of milk on a black b/g! :D

Well, it may be a last minute shot but I think this is ingenius, Darren. It's simple but the genius lies in taking a new angle on an everyday object, and since this is an electric object, it fits the theme perfectly. And full marks, imo, for the cleverness of it. :clap::clap::clap:

A banker for week 32. Busy with small child this week and opportunities are few and far between.

This is the Olympic Stadium at Stratford. The olympics are set to transform this part of London, both with rejuvination and a stunning new sky line. Caught as almost an afterthought on our way home this afternoon.

Not the greatest shot and the PP may be a little OTT ;) You'll have to forgive any hints of reflection in the window.

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Hi Darren, your electric shot is rather clever. The angle is so unusual that if I did not know what the theme was, I probably would not recognise it. I like just the trace of colour.

Transform - that is a very interesting take on the theme and very apt. I rather like the processing, although maybe it is a bit too dark at the bottom. I love the sky. Well done :clap::clap::clap:

Darren. Nice shot for Electric - the unusual angle works really well.

I like the PP on the stadium. And it will definitely transform the area - can't wait for the gridlock!!! Might have to book a holiday :shake:
Really like the angle of the electric shot.

Great take on this weeks theme for Transform and I like the PP on it.
Well, it may be a last minute shot but I think this is ingenius, Darren. It's simple but the genius lies in taking a new angle on an everyday object, and since this is an electric object, it fits the theme perfectly. And full marks, imo, for the cleverness of it. :clap::clap::clap:

You used the word genius. I think you should look it up before using it in a critique of my images again ;) Thanks for your comments as always Jean.

Hi Darren, your electric shot is rather clever. The angle is so unusual that if I did not know what the theme was, I probably would not recognise it. I like just the trace of colour.

Transform - that is a very interesting take on the theme and very apt. I rather like the processing, although maybe it is a bit too dark at the bottom. I love the sky. Well done :clap::clap::clap:

Thanks Jenny. Can see the bottom of transform might be a little dark, but then it's not very interesting down there anyway :)

Darren. Nice shot for Electric - the unusual angle works really well.

I like the PP on the stadium. And it will definitely transform the area - can't wait for the gridlock!!! Might have to book a holiday :shake:

Thank you Paul. I'm glad I'm another 40 minutes out of London and planning to avoid travelling in that direction for another few years :)

Really like the angle of the electric shot.

Great take on this weeks theme for Transform and I like the PP on it.

Thanks Darren.

I like the olympic stadium shot. It has certainly already transformed that area. Well done.

Thanks Sue. I was quite amazed how it looked as we went past on the train into London and only thought about it last minute as we pulled into Stratford on the way out again. The new shopping centre might be of more interest to you ladies though ;)
Good to see you back on board!

Endings: lovely colours and mood - I like this a lot.

Electric: a clever take on an ordinary object. The simplicity and near mono effect work really well.

Transform: my favourite of the three, and the processing really suits it. Well done to have recognised the potential and then manage to catch it as it whizzed by.

Endings: great use of the ambient light and take on the subject

Electric: an unusual approach which works for that exact reason, well done

Transform: nice processing works well in the overall picture

WOW, three super shots there chap, good to see you back and well on form, keep up the great work.
Darren i really like you interpretation of electric, that's a very unique angle and works really well with the exposure you have. The coposition works well too with the oof cable leading the eye into the plug. An amazing shot that i have looked at half a dozen times already(y)

I like the green tones of the processing of transform and for me it isn't overdone but the foreground composition seems a little awkward and the green container holds me in too much. Get the lads to shift the container tomorrow and you are on to a winner. The sky looks great and moody too.
I really like transform, but I'm tempted to hack the bottom third off - I think it strengthens the image no end (getting rid of the dark / messy bit at the bottom)!

Thanks for all the comments guys. Seems the processing is OK but the bottom third is a bit of the mess. I'll go back in 2013 when it's finished and not so busy ;)

Chopping the bottom off might be an option but then there's still the green container and red crane in the way. And I've never been a fan of random crops, although I may eventually give square crops a go as the GF1 has them built in :)

On to week 33, I think?
Once I got mobile phones into my head last Sunday there was no getting rid of it again. As much as I wanted to avoid it I couldn't work out what else to do. So I took a shot of the phone, but kept it to one side just in case.

Thankfully I had the idea of a childs mobile. This is the Blue Peter version. I hope it's not too bad :)

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I like your subject choice for this weeks theme Darren. I like the soft colour tones and lighting too. I think the main subject is a little too central in the frame though and am not sure about cutting the feet off. I dont know whether having the main subject left of frame and full figure would help the composition. All IMHO of course. Iain
It's probably not the best composition, but I struggled to fit enough of it in to the frame without getting everything else in the room in too. This was made from two plastic coat hangers and hung from a ceiling light (nowhere else to put it). Had to get just the right angle so as not to get the light, a television or a door into the picture :)

I'll explain the odd angle as potentially being baby's eye view, which wouldn't necessarily obey the rule of thirds ;) Glad you like the lighting and colours, intentionally processed that way to give small child looking up feel.

I should have said all that in my original post :)
Now that you've explained it as a baby's eye view, I can see that you've got it just right. Clever. I like the colours and the lighting and it is definitely a better idea than a mobile phone!

In spite of the baby's eye view, I would still have felt more comfortable with it set to the right of center. However, that would have made it very difficult to get 3 of them in. A bit tricky.

This works pretty well, and I recognised the baby's eye view straight away. I like the high key feel, the limited palette and the limited DOF. Just a pity the feet are chopped off, but I know the difficulty of getting uncluttered backgrounds in an ordinary room.
I like that Darren. Nice soft tones and the child's eye view does make it work.
difficult to nail that composition but i like the idea behind the baby's eye view. It seems a little too blown in places to me, i don't know if that was intentional? Great Blue peter skills too, its amazing what you can learn from BP, im still using a BP recipe for ginger beer my grandpa wrote down in the 60's!
Now that you've explained it as a baby's eye view, I can see that you've got it just right. Clever. I like the colours and the lighting and it is definitely a better idea than a mobile phone!

In spite of the baby's eye view, I would still have felt more comfortable with it set to the right of center. However, that would have made it very difficult to get 3 of them in. A bit tricky.

Thanks Jenny. It's a shame it needs explaining though. Clutter is a pain and I'd kill for a nice plain wall somewhere :) One bed flats are cluttered by their very nature though so I should really head outside as much as I can whilst the sun is almost out. Sticking with the 20mm makes composition less forgiving too.

This works pretty well, and I recognised the baby's eye view straight away. I like the high key feel, the limited palette and the limited DOF. Just a pity the feet are chopped off, but I know the difficulty of getting uncluttered backgrounds in an ordinary room.

Thanks Tracer. I just tried to imagine myself as a baby looking up. Even found myself making noises as I did it ;) I find it helps with this image.

I like that Darren. Nice soft tones and the child's eye view does make it work.

Thank you Paul.

difficult to nail that composition but i like the idea behind the baby's eye view. It seems a little too blown in places to me, i don't know if that was intentional? Great Blue peter skills too, its amazing what you can learn from BP, im still using a BP recipe for ginger beer my grandpa wrote down in the 60's!

Thanks Chris. Would have been easier to go to Mothercare, but I think it looks pretty good. I did push the exposure up during PP but there are definitely no blinkies in there (I just double checked) :)
Transform: The processing adds drama to an eye-catching structure, and a 'finished' version would look really good - the busyness in the middle ground detracts a bit, but I don't suppose they'd have cleared all the vehicles away for you! :LOL: Good sky, too. :)

Mobile: A baby's mobile was my first idea for this week, but I ended up with a mobile phone instead! :LOL: I like the idea of a baby-eye view and the slight softness would be about right for a very young baby. A nice twist on the theme, Darren. :)

Hi Darren,

Sorry for not commenting for a few weeks - life's really got in the way lately.

Electric is very clever. Not an angle that I would have thought of shooting from and a really novel take on the theme.
I like the hint of colour on the pins and the reflection in the socket is very nice too. Personally, I'd like a bit more DoF so that the switches on the socket were clearer, but I think that's really a personal preference thing.

Transform : Is that a crowbar I can see poking out the top of the stadium? ;) :p
PP works well for me, particularly on the sky, and for a shot from a train window I think you've done really well with it - can't see any traces of reflections from where I'm sat.
I'm with the "crop-it" brigade though - I'd also like to see a bit taken off the bottom.

Mobile : Very cleverly put together and I actually like the slight softness and overexposure - in the context of what it is, I think it works well.
(Afraid I didn't do the baby sounds when I was viewing it - I hope that wasn't compulsory ;) )