Do i need to calibrate my monitor?

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Just wanted to know if calibrating my monitor would help. Using rawshooter to convert my raw files and on the preview window, i then adjust my raw file to the way i want. When i convert to Jpeg the final picture looks (in xp picture fax viewer) slightly different in colour to my preview window in raw shooter. Or is this because i'm using 2 different programs and they display colour slightly different?

Any advice or help on this problem would be great.
RawShooter is colour managed, Windows pic/fax viewer isn't so expect different results. RS will adjust the display colours from the image to match the whatever colour profile is specified for your monitor.

If you haven't calibrated then the chances are the profile for your monitor is wrong anyway which means that although you see different results when viewing in different programs none of them is actually the right result.
so should i invest in something like the huey or sypder to correct this problem? This hobby is getting expensive :) and my wife is becoming far less understanding :(
It depends on how important accurate colour is to you and how far out screen to print matching currently is.

If you have good profiles included with your monitor and printer you might find things match well enough without forking out. Even if you buy a h/w calibration device you still won't get accurate colour unless you're viewing images in a colour managed app such as PS. Windows, IE, etc aren't colour managed so you'll still see some differences switching between viewing apps but it wouldn't be as bad.