Do you lock your kit up?

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Following on from this thread about house being burgled and kit stolen.

What do you do with your kit? I'm becoming more concerned as I realise how much it would cost to replace. Ok, it's insured but a) they don't always pay out and b) you might not get the true value of replacing.
I currently leave my stuff in bags on the floor, but am thinking about getting a safe of some sort, possibly a gun cabinet, wondered if anyone else has any ideas?
I don't lock mine up, but I do make sure that it is tucked away in the bedroom wardrobe when not being used. Partly from tidyness, partly so its not on show.

I also thing the bags you go for help too, I tend to go for bags that don't look like camera bags. MAinly for wwhen I am wandering round say London. It looks less inviting to potential muggers. That may be paranoia though!! :LOL:
I put my gear away when not in use, but figure I'm insured to cover it.
Following on from this thread about house being burgled and kit stolen.

What do you do with your kit? I'm becoming more concerned as I realise how much it would cost to replace. Ok, it's insured but a) they don't always pay out and b) you might not get the true value of replacing.
I currently leave my stuff in bags on the floor, but am thinking about getting a safe of some sort, possibly a gun cabinet, wondered if anyone else has any ideas?

I can see where you are coming from with this. What has happened to Ryan is shocking.
I intend looking at secure storage.
Not sure about gun cabinets. Don't know enough about them. They seem to be tall affairs intended for rifles and shotguns so you'd probably need to construct shelves.
Whatever I do, I'll be sure to conceal it. No point in letting people know you have items of value even if they cannot see what.

All my gear in insured independently of my house insurance so it's insured wherever it happens to be.

All my studio stuff lives in a cupboard upstairs along with my MF gear. All my 35mm and digi gear lives in my bedroom (keeps it out the way of various pets) It all lives in a rolling case which is black and just looks like a normal suitcase so it's not obvious. That's a conscious decision for when I take it out. it just looks like a normal overnight type suitcase.

It's also guarded by two dogs albeit useless but quite noisy if anyone comes near the house. It's also alarmed and security lights everywhere. oh and my other half is 6'3" an ex bodyguard and built like a bear.

I feel quite safe which is good :)

Out of interest, what is the case? Is it a purpose made camera roller case or one you have"adapted" for want of a better word?

The reason I ask is I am looking at a roller case, nothing huge, but one that would make it easier for going from A to B, in the car etc than my backpack (tamrac expodition 7). It would also be nice to fit my lightstands etc in.
Not sure about gun cabinets. Don't know enough about them. They seem to be tall affairs intended for rifles and shotguns so you'd probably need to construct shelves.

I only mentioned that as I have one (I have to have a shotgun for work), and in moments of paranoia I've managed to stash my camera and lenses in there. Ultimately it would only be a stalling tactic, as you could get in there with a bit of effort.

Maybe Ali's idea of concealment is the way forward. I too have a dog, but useless too! We do have a pet goose and he's a nasty piece of work, no one would get past him in the day time.
I lock mine in a hard case that I bought from Jessops - bought it 2 weeks ago, but it no longer appears available on the website.
The hard case keeps it safe from accidental knocks etc - also protects it when its in the car.
It's not a safe or anything, but it saves me having to keep prying fingers away from my kit, and it's easily hidden in a wardrobe/ under a pile of clothes.
When I go out with just the camera, it is quite an obvious bag I've got, but I rarely take my camera out in city/town centres.
I don't, but it's usually kept out of sight (mainly to keep the dust of it) It's all covered by insurance while it's in the house anyway and as it's a new for old policy there's a good chance I'd get a D3s and D300s to replace my D3 and D300 if I was to be borken into and had to make a claim I wouldn't be too upset if my camera kit was part of it.
I don`t lock mine up, but I don`t keep it all together. I have a large Peli case for smaller lenses and stuff,I could get nearly all of it in there,but if they were to walk out with that case I would then lose damned near the lot.

It is all a moot case really, if they want it then they will get it,unfortunately.
Luxury mate, you should try living in a shoe box.
Cardboard box? You were lucky....

[/off topic]
I keep all my gear (what there is of it) in my camera bag at all times, usually in a cupboard under the stairs.

Hang on, what if potential thieves are watching this thread.....? They now know where we all keep our gear.:runaway:

Out of interest, what is the case? Is it a purpose made camera roller case or one you have"adapted" for want of a better word?

The reason I ask is I am looking at a roller case, nothing huge, but one that would make it easier for going from A to B, in the car etc than my backpack (tamrac expodition 7). It would also be nice to fit my lightstands etc in.

Hi Rob, it's a Calumet one.

£110 and it's also expandable to take an overnight bag too :) although that would make it a bit bulky!

I get two bodies 8 lenses and spare batteries in mine and all the flash gear goes in a separate shoulder bag.

I actually open all the cases in my bag and make sure all the lenses are in open air for fear of mold. Its more like to strike than a thief and then the insurance company not paying out.

I don't. I usually leave all my stuff on the desk. None of my photography things are worth a particularly huge amount so I generally don't bother hiding them away unless I'm going away but then I usually take my camera with my anyway.
Not being funny likes but i would not be posting on here where in the house you keep your kit.
My stuff is kept somewhere in the house. If a burglar wants it, believe me, regardless of where you put it they'll normally find it.

I also have two dogs, one's a big whoosy girly, the other, well, if anyone broke into my house, he'd deal with them. Infact, a couple of years ago, we had an intruder enter the property during the day. He was unarmed so the dog dealt with him (had him pinned against the wall) until the police arrived. Never seen a man wee himself before. :)

out of interest , what does it cost for separate insurance for say £5k worth of kit?
I only lock my kid up when it's been BAD.
When I'm at Work (almost zero risk of burglary):

My stuff is locked in a fire-proof cabinet (when I'm not in the office - when I'm 'in' it's closed but not locked). The door to the office is locked whenever I go out.
The building the office is situated in is full of men from the 1st Battalion, The Grenadier Guards - Queen's Company and United States Marines.
The building is a hardened structure capable of withstanding Indirect Fire (IDF) up to and including 120mm Rockets...
There is a permanent guard force armed with assualt rifles, machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers guarding the camp area surrounding the building.

When I'm using the kit I carry a pistol and rifle and anyone who even looks the wrong way at my kit gets drilled...

When I'm at Home (moderate to high risk of burglary):

In plain sight, on the floor in the living room by the shelves of DVDs in the corner...
When I'm at Work (almost zero risk of burglary):

My stuff is locked in a fire-proof cabinet (when I'm not in the office - when I'm 'in' it's closed but not locked). The door to the office is locked whenever I go out.
The building the office is situated in is full of men from the 1st Battalion, The Grenadier Guards - Queen's Company and United States Marines.
The building is a hardened structure capable of withstanding Indirect Fire (IDF) up to and including 120mm Rockets...
There is a permanent guard force armed with assualt rifles, machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers guarding the camp area surrounding the building.

When I'm using the kit I carry a pistol and rifle and anyone who even looks the wrong way at my kit gets drilled...

When I'm at Home (moderate to high risk of burglary):

In plain sight, on the floor in the living room by the shelves of DVDs in the corner...

Well I would no come near your house knowing who you are(If i did) incase you bust a cap in my a**
When I'm at Work (almost zero risk of burglary):

My stuff is locked in a fire-proof cabinet (when I'm not in the office - when I'm 'in' it's closed but not locked). The door to the office is locked whenever I go out.
The building the office is situated in is full of men from the 1st Battalion, The Grenadier Guards - Queen's Company and United States Marines.
The building is a hardened structure capable of withstanding Indirect Fire (IDF) up to and including 120mm Rockets...
There is a permanent guard force armed with assualt rifles, machine guns and 40mm grenade launchers guarding the camp area surrounding the building.

When I'm using the kit I carry a pistol and rifle and anyone who even looks the wrong way at my kit gets drilled...

When I'm at Home (moderate to high risk of burglary):

In plain sight, on the floor in the living room by the shelves of DVDs in the corner...

After last week's events I've just bought 3 rottweilers, a burglar alarm, 2 german shepherds, pepper-spray, baseball bats, infrared triggers etc etc.

Just in case they are reading......
Shame you can't just borrow Rob, or Hacker could do you are pretty decent job too :)
All my kit and hard drives along with 1 set of dvds are stored in a fire proof safe that i manged to get for free on a re furb job that i ran. Before I got hold of the safe i was constantly being moaned at for having bodies and lenses in various places around the house.

I added £5,000 worth of telescope and photography individually itemised kit to my house insurance about 2 and half years ago and my insurance went up £30 on the annual premium. But like someone said earlier it depends on so many things.
But if you should catch a burglar nicking your gear he will probably get away with it if you clobber him

Flipping worlds gone mad, if you don't want to get clobbered don't break into houses. Judges are stupid or so it seems. I agree the guy may have overreacted but when your family is threatened by this sort of low life he deserved what he got.
I hope to god this thread is never seen by a clever burgler!!! I lock up my kit, double mortis, PIR's in the room, motion & heat detection too throughout the house (standard ADT options now!)...

My alarm is on when in or out, and I take no chances.

Shop is emptied every day, nothing left in. Same alarm system at home, and both the shop and house automatically call the police and three others in the event of a signal going off.

I have a panic button in the bedroom...........

But my gear is worth less than £150, so not too concerned....
I only mentioned that as I have one (I have to have a shotgun for work), and in moments of paranoia I've managed to stash my camera and lenses in there. Ultimately it would only be a stalling tactic, as you could get in there with a bit of effort.

A lot of effort surely, :eek: that being the point of a Police Approved Gun Cabinet. Plus I'd imagine if they were trying to get in the Gun Safe they'd be more interested in the shooter than your kit which would be a nice "extra". Although if you were to have 2 Gun Safes 1 for the Camera gear and 1 for the shooter(s) I'm sure your FEO would be quite pleased as anyone breaking in would have to pick which cabinet to break into and get a 50:50 chance of getting it right. Or even better split the gun across two cabinets and your kit across 2 cabinets so that they's have to get in to both to get the gun and all your kit.