Do you use the Sigma 105 Macro hood?

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I have just read somewhere that the recessed glass in this lens means the hood is not required. Is this the case? I was also wondering where i could buy a lens cover that could fit the hood that way i could leave the hood on permanantly. Any ideas?
I use the hood all the time when using this lens, but agree it's a pain to have to take it off to fit the lens cap. I've not come across any covers which can be attached while the hood is on, but that's not to say one doesn't exist.
You would think the guy who posted the review of the lens and recommended the lens cap for the hood would have told us which one he used. I prefer using a hood where possible but i also like to place the cap on my lens as soon as i stop shooting to minimise the risk of dust and screwing off a lens hood is a pain.
I use the hood all the time when using this lens, but agree it's a pain to have to take it off to fit the lens cap. I've not come across any covers which can be attached while the hood is on, but that's not to say one doesn't exist.

You can't have tried very hard, any 77mm sprung clip lens cap will fit, I use a Canon Ultrasonic cap which I bought specifically for the purpose.
