Does a little respect and politeness hurt?



After 3 years my neighbour has finally moved out and is on his way to Brazil. He is in his 50’s and about 2 years ago a Brazilian lady moved in who later became his wife. He was the type of guy who always wanted to moan about the flat they lived in or the neighbours and what ever you did it was wrong, e.g. my flat was too bare, or my car didn’t suit his taste. At this point, I will add the guy was made bankrupt last year, he rented his flat and drove a 12 year old battered car.

I always thought the guy was a pr@t, but as I was brought up the way I was, I was always polite and whenever he criticised things I just smiled and thought what an idiot. One of my other neighbours is a woman in her eighties; she lives with her son who I believe suffers from learning difficulties. She is the sort of neighbour who has a heart of gold. As she is so sweet (and not a spring chicken), I pop round to see her every week to check she is ok and see if she needs anything.

Over the past few weeks, I have learnt that my neighbour’s wife had become good friends with her. The old dear, has taken her out for day trips, taken her to the theatre and also out shopping. Throughout this, the old lady has been a rock to my neighbour’s wife, and has listened to her when she was moaning about her husband and what a terrible mistake she has made. Reading between the lines, I believe the old dear (really shouldn’t call her that) has been paying for a few things like cups of tea when they are out and never got anything in return.

This morning, my neighbours packed up their stuff and just left. Not a word was said they just hurried out of the road and hopefully will never be seen again. My grumble is, the way they have treated the elderly neighbour. They never had the decency to say thanks for all your help, we must keep in touch, all the best to her. I popped round to see her tonight, and she seems so upset and feels she has been used. Why do people treat other people like that?

We live in a society where youngsters are often accused of being rude and impolite, but maybe it’s the generation before that are also to blame.


There are just so many nasty people in the world, mate. Some people are too self centered and blinkered to even comprehend politeness...
Youngsters aren't naturally bad mannered, they learn it as they learn everything else, so blame the parents and the parents' parents...
Its certainly true that young yob culture of today are the way they are because of the way they were brought up.

The truly sad thing is there are 3 or 4 kids to a pair of these parents, the problem is worse now than it was 20 years ago, it will be twice as bad when the new generation is old enough to reproduce.

And it goes on !
Its certainly true that young yob culture of today are the way they are because of the way they were brought up.

All i have to say is thank god i was brought up properly and not dragged up! If i was dragged i almost certainly wouldnt be posting on here right now, I would be being a yob!!
Its certainly true that young yob culture of today are the way they are because of the way they were brought up.

The truly sad thing is there are 3 or 4 kids to a pair of these parents, the problem is worse now than it was 20 years ago, it will be twice as bad when the new generation is old enough to reproduce.

I agree with Borats Baby. The problem is only ever going to get worse, as it seems some parents these days just don't care, and seem to be constantly producing kids, and then just letting them do what they want. The parents then have 4 kids, and so it only gets worse.

My only problem is that we all get tarnished with the same brush. I'm 20, and have had a great upbringing. I do volunteer work, and have had a job since I was 11 to earn my own money. It just bugs me when people talk about the youth as a whole being 'yobs', and how we are all useless... [/rant]
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Unfortunately it seems to be the way of the world these days, and I dont see it getting any better :-(
oh thank goodness nobody has blamed the teachers...!

Yeah, I think in general it appears to be middle aged people who are exceptionally rude,

For example, I was at work the other day with a hand-full of bread, this woman is probably 45-50, looking completely the wrong way and not in front where she was walking. She almost walked flat into me and then has the cheek to say "excuse me!" as if I'd done something wrong and how dare I get in her way.

There was a piece in the Express (Don't judge me it was just lying around in the canteen!) a few months back by Richard Madely about how he felt the younger generations were more polite than the older ones.
Seems to me that people blame kids for being rude and unsociable because they are somewhere easy to put the blame. I'm nearly 14, never rude to an adult unless I have reason to be or they're rude to me first, which they often are!

At least they have moved out and you won't have to deal with them anymore!
i,m always polite to people who are polite to me.
my kids DARENT be rude to anyone, incase i hear about it. and the oldest is 21.
if i,d been rude to anyone, my dad wouldve belted me round the earhole.
rude kids(and i havent come across that many), are often a result of rude parents.
and old folks can be bloody rude.
parked across someones driveway recently to deliver 900 kgs of bricks on a pallet. tail lift down and dragging said pallet off. old fart wonders down and says "shift that lorry, your blocking my drive"
i asked if he wanted to get out. he replies no, but thats not the point.
i told him i,d move it when i,d done. probably less than five mins.
he said he,d ring the police if i didnt move.even *** he didnt want to get out..
fine says i. by the time they get here, i,ll be gone.
stupid old sod.
i,m always polite to people who are polite to me.
my kids DARENT be rude to anyone, incase i hear about it. and the oldest is 21.
if i,d been rude to anyone, my dad wouldve belted me round the earhole.
rude kids(and i havent come across that many), are often a result of rude parents.
and old folks can be bloody rude.
parked across someones driveway recently to deliver 900 kgs of bricks on a pallet. tail lift down and dragging said pallet off. old fart wonders down and says "shift that lorry, your blocking my drive"
i asked if he wanted to get out. he replies no, but thats not the point.
i told him i,d move it when i,d done. probably less than five mins.
he said he,d ring the police if i didnt move.even *** he didnt want to get out..
fine says i. by the time they get here, i,ll be gone.
stupid old sod.
Old People, hey. You cant beat 'em!

I'm sure each generation has had it's black sheep. I don't think todays youth are any different than when I was a teenager. Now I'm well into my fifty's I just seem to notice it more. :shrug: